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Don't Know Which One I'm Feeling
Citation:   shadysetup. "Don't Know Which One I'm Feeling: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe & MDMA (exp100696)". Nov 20, 2013.

T+ 0:00
2 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 200 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 1 hit oral 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:30 1 hit oral 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 4:00 1 hit oral 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 4:00 200 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:00 200 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:00 1 hit oral 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 7:00 100 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
A couple friends and I were planning on having our usual 'trip night', out of excitement I began browsing the experience vault of erowid reading about 'jedi flipping' (mdma, shrooms, and lsd). Shrooming near twenty or so times, I felt experiencing LSD for my first time seemed exiting.

The previous week a friend obtained two blotters of 25I-NBOMe and generously gave me one to 'test'. I took dropped half the blotter with a friend at 4am after a comedown from a roll and had some intense open and closed eye visuals for about eight or so hours. I wasn't really fond of the feeling it gave, though (and the lingering), so I decided to stick with lsd because it is already known to be safe and isn't a RC.

So back to the night, I pick up one hit of 'lsd' on the way to our friends house. I am so eager to drop but instead I wait on the 3g of molly we have on the way. I had only rolled five times or so but all but two times were European press pills. One of those times double dropping them, so I have good experience with it. During the wait we decide to take a few shots of vodka. We get a little buzzed and all converse. Finally, it arrives. We split it between ten of us. I lick my .2g and wait for any little effect to drop the lsd.

+0:30- Being on an empty stomach, it hits me pretty quick. I feel the familiar euphoria beginning to hit my body and quickly put the blot under my tongue. The taste is disgusting, but I ignore it believing it could just be the residue of the molly or something.

+1:00 A friend of ours, e, was working up the street so me, j, q, and b decide to go and pick him up. J is a driver that could give a shit about the speed limit but stayed somewhat safe. We get to his work in about ten minutes and sit outside for about twenty more. Once he gets in the car he says he wants to go pick up more fry. He agrees to buy me a hit so we decide to head across town.

The drive was great. The acceleration of 80mph, switching lanes, blaring EDM and dodging cars had me feeling pretty good. I felt an intense body high as I was sinking into the car with all the speed it was exerting. No signs of the acid kicking it. Just an intense roll. Everybody asks if I'm feeling it yet, but I feel no different from just rolling.

+1:30 I get asked one more time 'are you sure you're not feeling it?' I look at the dashboard, BOOM. There it is. The green illumination of the lines and numbers seemed so clear. It seemed like it was coming off the dash and was making a 3D geometrical shape. Then the drive gets intense. I look out my sunglasses through the window at all the lights on the side of the freeway. I feel like I am no longer in my body. That my face is hanging on to the sunglasses themselves and I am just stuck for the movie the sunglasses have to show. The drive begins to just feel like a roller coaster and the car feels so much more spacious. I sit in silence and awe at how great it is. Out of nowhere q begins to say her heart is slowing down. I begin to panic but remember that's just how she is when she rolls. Eventually her panic attack drives us to pull over to a shopping center.

So we all walk in together and tell her to use the heart rate thingy they have at the pharmacy. She does it, realizes shes tripping, and we leave.

+2:30 We end up getting the fry and I drop a blotter. Also on the way to our friends we get about another g of the same molly. We go back to the house to meet with everyone. I notice two of my friends, N and JA, seem to be tripping. I go and ask what they got. They tell me 25I. When I ask from who they tell me the same source I had. No fucking way. I ask for the color of the blotter, spot on. I was setup. Turns out hes been claiming it was acid.

From then the trip no longer is on a time schedule. I just try to enjoy it. My friend had some glasses that turned any source of light into a kaleidoscope of colors. In one of the rooms there was a visualizer/ music player on a desktop that was very intense. I sat and watched it with the glasses on and got stuck for about an hour. I then take another blotter of the fry and .2 more of the molly. I go outside to socialize with everyone. I could feel the vibes coming off of people and occasionally a blink of color coming off of people. Sort of like horas. We all go to the backyard and sit and just talk to each other. I look into the sky and all the tones of darkness from the clouds being swirling in and out of each other like starry night. The backyard gets boring so I decide to go into the garage to smoke a stogie with everyone. My friend JA hands me a zippo with a clown smiling on it. I look at it and the clown comes to life, laughing, frowning, and constantly changing expression. Fuck that. I give it back to him and tell him to look at it and he sees the same shit. I go back into the room and take another blotter and .2 more of the molly.

Its about 4:30 am and I go and sit out back alone again. Sitting criss cross and straight up, I feel content. I look off in the distance and see a little speck of gray in the dimly lit sky. Its going to rain. I know it. I demand it too. Being in a desert with 100+ degree days and 98 degree nights, that would be ridiculous. I sit and look at the ground breathing for a while and talk about the trip with JA. We go back inside again. I take .1 of the molly and everybody is just scattered throughout the house.

5am comes and so does a sound that makes everybody freak out and flinch. Thunder? We walk out front and the sky is complete gray overcast. Then I look off in the distance. A bolt of lightning strikes and I flinch and feel the energy completely. Everyone on the 25I is loving it. It suddenly starts to rain, we all run out and are loving it. Then it starts to pour, then a full fledged hail storm. Is it the end of the world? Because if it is, its crazy how much I don't care. We all flee back inside and it stops in a matter of minutes. Then sun rises along with the humidity.

Around 7am I'm in a room talking with everyone and someone taps me on the shoulder. Spinning in a complete circle, nobody did it. I keep it to myself to avoid that I'm crazy or something. Eventually the conversation between two people in front of me is revolving around the homeowners dead relative. He shows me a picture of him, and he comes to life. I don't say anything. He looks me in the eye and I just give the picture back without saying anything.

Its 9am, I cant even think of the last time I blinked. Everyone had the urge to dry heave throughout the night. We all begin to question what the fuck is the molly cut with. Noon comes, nobody is tired. Even the people that took .3 g at 10pm, are still up. There is no way. I'm seeing shadows out of the corner of my eyes and just feel intense sadness and fear quilting me. Make it end. I don't want to trip anymore. Knowing how that went last week, there is no way you're sleeping on 25I. Visuals are too intense. I accept it, its a drug. It will end. Just don't worry.

Me B Q and M all leave and go back to M house. T is still freaking out and checking her heartbeat every second like she kept doing throughout the night she only took the same amount of molly as me but she is pretty little. Still feeling the effects of everything I don't know which one I'm feeling, which has peaked, which is peaking, or whats ending. But the molly is feeling like a never ending come up. Q goes home and I stay with B and M. B sits and makes kandi (beaded bracelets) and all I can do is watch. I get so frustrated from the boredom, silence, and repetition I want to just cry. Death sounds bliss. I text Q and she feels the same way, nobody can sleep. I end up leaving and going swimming at 8 while just feeling very distant. Everyone's brain is just faster than mine and I feel excessive need for water or I will feel sick.

I go home and 2am comes and I have to force myself to sleep. I sleep for 12 hours and I finally stop tripping. It has been two days and a couple out of the group are still going without sleep. Pretty sure we know what its cut with. The other two that had the 25I continued to smoke weed so they were still tripping the next day. I personally have no desire to do 25I again.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100696
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Nov 20, 2013Views: 7,100
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MDMA (3), 25I-NBOH (615) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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