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Usage For Many Years
Red Rock
Citation:   Stoner Govt Name. "Usage For Many Years: An Experience with Red Rock (exp101019)". Jun 23, 2021.

1 g smoked Red Rock (tar / resin)
My 1st experience with Red Rock was when I was 24, I am now 36. Someone offered me 10Lbs for $100. At the time I was pretty much selling whatever I could get my hands on.

Upon buying it I smoked some in a glass bowl alone no Trees. It definatly got me high. I started to sell it to people for $10 a gram or $200 an ounce. With people eating it up, I went through the 10Lbs in a month and then got another. Never a complaint and customers always came back for more. I heard stories that it was really only incense and did research to find out. I found that it is a incense, but that doesn't mean that it cannot get a person high.

Another month went by and then my house was raided by the police. Which should of been a no brainer because making up to $4000 in 1 day means a lot of Traffic. During the raid they found 800 grams of weed, 2 ounces of Cocaine, and an ounce of Mushrooms, and had me on an E sale. Upon questioning the Police station I was asked what was the red crack-like substance that was found in my house. I told them Dragons Blood incense, and they left it behind. 4 years later after returning home from prison I still had possession of the Red Rock. I continued to smoke it regularly, getting high all the time.

I'm 36 now and still smoke it and sell it, I have no complaints whatsoever. Not only does it make me HIGH, but it also has bought my kids many Toys!

Exp Year: 2002-2013ExpID: 101019
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Jun 23, 2021Views: 642
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Red Rock (156) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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