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Profound, Transcendental
Mushrooms - P. atlantis (sclerotia), Ritual, Fasting & Meditation
Citation:   Carlton Brown. "Profound, Transcendental: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. atlantis (sclerotia), Ritual, Fasting & Meditation (exp103668)". Feb 13, 2020.

30 g oral Mushrooms - P. atlantis (sclerotia)
Profound Transcendental Experience

This was the most profound experience of my life without exception, and I would like to share this with you.


My preparation started three weeks before the ritual date by ordering fresh Atlantis magic mushroom truffles (2*15 grams) purchased online and stored in the fridge upon delivery. One week out I started meditating twice daily for 45 minutes (from my usual once daily); alternating eyes closed focussed attention (focussed on my breath & 3rd eye) with eyes open focussed attention (staring fixedly at a 3km high volcano) meditation.

I fasted strictly for 3.5 days; drinking only water, herbal teas, and salt-broth drinks.
I fasted strictly for 3.5 days; drinking only water, herbal teas, and salt-broth drinks.
Fasting is said to help weaken the ego´s defences and ensures a higher entheogen (hallucinogen) payload is delivered into the body at the time of ritual. During the final 3 days, I avoided emails, movies/sport/news, people, carnal activity (recharged batteries!), and ceased all work. I spent a lot of time in nature, and the more I sat silently amongst nature the more present I became – the mind tranquil, silent and happy.

Ceremonial Fire:

I conducted a ceremonial fire (invocation, intention, and prayer) after sunset the night before the ritual, at an ancient Mayan ceremonial site next door. During the days before, I meditated at this site honouring Mother Earth and our ancestors, thanking them for the world they helped create, and asking them for permission, protection, and guidance during the ritual.

Conducting Ritual Meditation:

On the day of ritual, I awoke just before 4am and consumed two packets of Atlantis truffles (30 grams total; high dose), blended with fruit juice. I started my ritual meditation at 4am for a 05:10am sunrise. A seated meditation was conducted in a quiet part of the house, in a comfortable chair; relaxed & with a straightened back, hands on my knees and forearms on my thighs, with a neutral foot position and bare footed, and eyes closed facing magnetic south.

What Happened?

A characteristic of entheogen meditation is the almost effortless mind-silencing and relatively rapid onset of enoptic visuals with eyes closed, and this ritual was no different. This was followed by a dissolution of body-sensory-ego boundaries as I literally became my breath sinking deeper inwards toward a faint but growing-pulsing central light-energy and my awareness merged into One, being infinity yet nothing. Its language was absolute bliss-love-light felt as an indescribable awareness. Small pin points of peripheralized white lights holding form from a central pulsing light (heart energy field) were joined by lines of fainter light-like lightning strings. These pulsed and expanded with my breath, and became more numerous and symmetrical.

An awareness that an unblockage of energy flow had occurred, and I was overwhelmed with an awareness that I am healed (mind-body), as this intense bliss-love-light coursed my energy body and awareness. The visuals impressed upon me a jellyfish’s motion in water as I was suspended within an infinite expanse of snake-skinned kaleidoscopic-coiling colours, with pale pink/purple/yellow dominating.

My breath-energy emanated into an expanse of space without boundaries, and this kaleidoscoping energy pulsing would intermittently clear, and I became aware of being suspended in stars, the universe in fact, and I was without form and literally suspended in timeless infinity and yet seemingly nothing. Awareness appeared of absolute gratitude – thank you, thank you, thank you, as the most intense awareness of bliss-love-light coursed my aware being. At times I emerged closer to an inner shell of awareness of my physical body and faint senses; the bird and insect noises outside broke through, seemingly connecting with me and propelling the internal vista with energy, and my breath seemed more physical (less energy).

Automatically arching my neck back, accompanied by a deep autonomic breathing pattern, an awareness of pure white light bathing my throat region came to awareness. At this stage I was aware seemingly from above of alignments of light regions—throat, heart, base of spine. My bladder let go and as it did this region exploded into a glowing white light, and an indescribable bliss-tingle sensation emerged into my entire awareness, coursing the highway of light strings and light dots—partially body aware and partially not.

There were also moments of another´s eyes in front of my awareness—as my intention focussed on the Great Pyramid and Giza complex (Egypt). My question without words asked what the Giza complex originally represented. Next I emerged into what I would describe as the Kings Chamber and an awareness of intense pink-purple resonating-buzzing energy emanating in all directions emerged. The eyes were replaced by my book cover [Sun God Sacred Secrets: The Archaeology, Art & Science of Altered States of Consciousness] and an awareness that I am being guided and always have been on the things I must do.

Time completely disappeared and 3 hours passed before I re-emerged back into my body-mind awareness.
Time completely disappeared and 3 hours passed before I re-emerged back into my body-mind awareness.
It was like I was being told it's time to go back to your body and we will meet again. As I emerged back to the surface of my body-mind-sensory boundary, I opened my eyes to the beautiful vista of Lake Atitlan (Guatemala), opposite beautiful volcano peaks across the lake, birds and insects singing outside, and wet clothes! This overwhelmed me with an intense feeling of happiness and knowing of my eternal connection to the immanent and transcendent source of all life.

I simply sat there overwhelmed with tears of joy and gratitude, thank you, thank you, thank you. After this I immediately wrote notes of my trip experiences, then continued the external part of this experience in the garden allowing me to bring this connectivity to the external world and Mother Nature. I sat in a tree for some time as Carlton the boy, realising that I absolutely love trees, plants, insects and birds and everything in nature.

After Effects:

A sense of Inner peace & tranquillity was with me for weeks afterwards. It was like all the negative mind chatter, which had been occupying my mind was gone. Certain physical ailments literally disappeared, and I wear my reading glasses less now. My morning meditations are much deeper, mind-quiet and reflecting of process refinements learned during the entheogen-meditation ritual.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103668
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: Feb 13, 2020Views: 1,313
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