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Healing My Relationship With My Negativity
Datura & Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora)
Citation:   jivgil. "Healing My Relationship With My Negativity: An Experience with Datura & Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) (exp105512)". Dec 19, 2017.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Datura (seeds)
  T+ 0:00 2.5 g oral Syrian Rue (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:15 2.5 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:15 2 seeds oral Datura  
Datura Microdosing Ayahuasca

For background I will say that since my travel to Peru ten years ago, I use plants, including Ayahuasca, for healing. My method of practice, like we did in Peru, is to consume a plant/few plants daily, and Ayahuasca every week or two. This way I receive healing in daily life and Ayahuasca session, and they are synergic. It is the Amazonian 'diet with plants' system.

In Peru I have been given Toé, which is similar to Datura, by a shaman that specializes in it. I couldn't remember much of the experience, but from what I could remember, it was a nightmare. I had two friends who have been profoundly cured by toé. Since then I stayed away from this plant.

I had a dream in which I saw a a snake. I thought Datura wanted to work with me. The snake is poisonous but a symbol for medicine, like Datura. I took 3 - 5 seeds Datura inoxia twice a day.

When I started I felt a bit more concentrated/ in the moment right after taking. More relaxed. Somewhat spacy and detached from my body. I began to have vivid nightmares. After about 10 days I discovered that it has been depressing me for the last few days. I was dwelling in my unresolved trauma/issues.
After about 10 days I discovered that it has been depressing me for the last few days. I was dwelling in my unresolved trauma/issues.
For the depression and the nightmare, I decided to stop the experiment.

To end I took about 2.5 gr. Syrian rue powder, waited 15 minutes, and then about 2.5 gr. Mimosa hostilis. This is my normal Ayahuasca recipe. With this I have a full Ayahuasca experience. Then 2 seeds Datura. More then that with Ayahuasca is dangerous.

In the experience I felt the Datura like the spirit of my negative dark side. I saw two pillars which I assume represented Ayahuasca, and a spiral going in between which was Datura. It was like my negativity in this session has been integrated into me. It was healing my relationship with my negativity. At one point I put my hands over a part of my body to which I had traumatic/difficult relationship. As felt that my relationship with it is being healed and I accept it as an important part of my body.
After the session I decided that I was dwelling too much in negativity and in my traumas. I decided to deliberately look on the positive side of life, as difficult as it is.

It was like the Datura drawing me so much to negativity, has made me decide I don't want to dwell in this anymore. In one of the nightmares I saw a huge tree falling on me. My interpretation is it was a warning that if I go on with this negativity I will break. I still follow this decision.

I think I will take Datura with Ayahuasca in the future as a method of integrating negativity.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105512
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Dec 19, 2017Views: 1,834
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Datura (15) : Post Trip Problems (8), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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