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Slowly Titrated Down
Cannabis (for Fentanyl withdrawal)
Citation:   Glenn. "Slowly Titrated Down: An Experience with Cannabis (for Fentanyl withdrawal) (exp107506)". Jan 18, 2016.

  transdermal Pharms - Fentanyl (patch)
    oral Cannabis (edible / food)
    oral Cannabis (liquid)
Withdrawal From Fentanyl Patch

I was on the fentanyl patch for over 11 years maximizing at 100 mg/h for about 8 years. This was for severe arthritis and AS pain. The dose is supposed to last 3 days but I continually experienced withdrawal at about 1 day maybe 18 hours. My G.P. allowed one patch every two days. My life was run by the fentanyl - good day with the new patch, lousy day the next day. My wife could look at me - eyes, facial expression and tell whether it was a patch day or not. I hated the substance with ever-increasing anger.

My rheumatologist in frustration suggested I try medical marijuana to help with withdrawal. I joined a Compassion Society* and chose to eat the marijuana in a caramel form where the CBD / THC ratio is about 55 / 45. The caramels weighed approximately 6 grams and I cut these into three pieces to cover a day or as needed. I also used a mouth spray for quicker action.

I started this treatment in February 2015 and was happily completely off the fentanyl at the beginning of November 2015. The marijuana worked absolute wonders as I slowly titrated down ... all advice I received said “go slowly, slowly” so I did go slowly. With a bit more effort I estimated I could have eliminated the fentanyl in less than six months.

Simply I recommend never start on the fentanyl patch (period).

* I live in Canada where marijuana is virtually illegal but, of course, wide spread.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107506
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 68
Published: Jan 18, 2016Views: 3,949
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223), Cannabis (1) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Various (28)

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