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Waking Dreams Loss of Ego and Merging of Souls
Citation:   vunerableHippie. "Waking Dreams Loss of Ego and Merging of Souls: An Experience with 25I-NBOH & LSD (exp107797)". Feb 9, 2016.

T+ 0:00
750 ml oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00 500 ml oral Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 0:00 0.5 hits   25B-NBOH (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 0.5 hits   25B-NBOH (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:30 1 hit   LSD  
  T+ 19:00 700 ml oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 19:00 700 ml oral Alcohol  
I was researching nbomes recently and got the opportunity to purchase some 25I-NBOH blotters from a recommended source at a very reasonable price. I have had quite a loving relationship with psychedelics for over 10 years now and have had previous experiences with many varieties of magic mushrooms, LSD, 2C-B and 2C-I. My favorite has definitely been the Hawaiian shrooms followed closely by LSD. I like deep, meaningful trips. I have never been a fan of mixing my drugs. I get easily paranoid about my heart as there is medical history across my family. However while purchasing the blotters I was offered 2 cheap tabs of emo smiley acid. At 1700ug of LSD they were irresistible. I am writing this report at t+36 hours. Still experiencing some minor visuals, most likely due to sleep deprivation.

My blotters arrived 2 days ago and as I live with my parents I started to phone around my friends to see if anyone was up for a holy time. A good friend said her place was free and she, like me, was on a break from college so I called over to her place at approx 7:30 that evening. I should point out that while there was a little attraction between us before, we never acted on it as she was dating someone longterm. When I arrived, she told me they had broken up just before christmas. She was apprehensive about taking LSD as her only trip previous was a terrifying ordeal at a festival which semi-traumatised her. So we decided to try the 25I-NBOH as my previous experience with 2C-I (and being led to believe that the effects are similar) left me with a clear enough headspace to just chill and enjoy the colours. This was more appealing to her. So we embarked on an adventure together

19:30 : oral: 75cl wine, 500ml jack daniels

20:30 : oral : 600ug 25I-NBOH

21:30 : oral : 600ug 25I-NBOH

23:00 : oral : 1200ug LSD

We got in a good headpace by having a few drinks and chatting to unwind. Set the tone so to speak. But after an hour I became giddy and couldn't wait any longer. This was my first with this particular RC and being wary of the dangers of ODing we started out with half a tab each. At this point I stopped drinking alcohol. After an hour chatting but not feeling any effects whatsoever we take the other half. We keep chatting and listening to music for another half an hour before I become worried the 25I blotters were duds. So we made a rash decision to eat the LSD tab. Typically enough, within 5 mins of taking the acid, the walls start to breathe and I realise I am coming up on the first blotter. She tells me she is starting to feel a little spacey, but the wine upset her stomach and she vomitted back up the acid.

We tried to find a movie to watch to let the trip come on more naturally, but the bats were barely starting to fly around Johnny Depp's head in the nevada desert when I experienced lift off. A rush so intense it hit me like a ton of bricks and the room transformed into waves of colour. I asked her how she was and she told me she felt something, but nothing overpowering. As I looked in her eyes I became filled with desire but the tension was too much to handle at that time. So we put on Jon hopkins immunity and closed our eyes.

The next few hours are a blur, I keep coming up stronger and stronger and eventually find myself in a place I barely grazed once while on an intense mushroom trip a few years back. My ego began to dissolve and I could lift my spirit out of my body as far as the ceiling. This is such a difficult thing to try to put into words. My consciousness was split in 3 places. My spirit at the ceiling, my thoughts and memories underneath and a heavy body high keeping me rooted to the ground. My muscle spasms were my link to reality, my physical self.

After a while lying there tripping I came around a little and realised I was alone in the living room. I called out and she invited me to lie with her in her bed. As we lay there she stroked my hair and sent the most amazing rushes through my body causing it to fizzle out into thin air. The sound of her voice cooing and laughing sent warm vibes throughout my whole being and we lay there stroking each others bodies in ectasy. As I run my finger tips along her arms she moans and I can feel her pleasure like it is my own.
I had never before this point had sex on psychedelics but had heard a few stories from friends. It all flowed so naturally from there, we kissed and grinded together and the trip caused our souls to come together. I hug her close and our heads touch. I cant tell which body is mine and which is hers. If feels like I am sharing one mind with this beautiful creature beside me. It takes me a long time to get it up but when it happens and we embrace fully the pleasure is indescribable. We are now one being dancing through a fairytale, riding the waves of a constant orgasm. The best orgasm I ever had multiplied by 2 as I am sharing another one with her body, and it was never-ending. This was hands down, the best sex I ever had by so much.

I didn't realise throughout that I was still coming up on the acid and when she left for a smoke, I lay in bed looking around in awe at what was transpiring before my eyes. Layers of colour spanning multiple dimensions. A million universes for me to witness. A private show. Everything just kept getting crazier as the confusion took hold. I convinced myself that there was no coming back from this one. I had taken the ultimate hit to stand before god and was going to pay for it either with my life or my sanity. I was in a place I had never been to. A little frightened but completely open to it. This was the real world. The average day is spent receiving information as I the animal have been programmed. I the divine am due to inherit so much more. The apartment is completely unrecognisable and I am sure it will never look the same again.
Then I heard it, Jon Hopkins had long finished and youtube had carried on to a moderate track called A New Error. Patterns in sound matched patterns in colour and ripples the shape of snowflakes coursed through my body. Her voice is laughing through the air sending warmth to my heart and I thank whoever is responsible for putting me in this place and this state. We danced together in her living room listening to various IDM for hours.

Some point around this time I black out, when I come back around she is in bed and I am sitting on the sofa tapping my foot to the beats. It is now 11:30 am and I am barely starting to come down. This only further enhanced my belief that I had given myself brain damage and was most likely going to be stuck like this forever. A little disturbing but I could think of worse fates. I go to bed but sleep is impossible so I just lie there for hours contemplating what I had just been shown and what it could all have meant. We finally get up, her with little sleep and me still with none. It is approximately 14:00. 70cl of red wine, 70cl of kaluah and 1 gram of very nice skunk makes for an epic comedown and we flake on the sofa watching movies for the night. *WARNING* watching the movie Room was a bad choice and the dark themes of the film left us both in tears. ha. I wouldn't advise it to others in a similar state. She goes to bed around 01:30 am and although I am almost fully grounded, sleep is still nowhere in sight.

This was one of the best nights of my life and writing this report is my way to share it with you, and cherish the memory forever. Apologies for the length. I have done my best to put a deeply profound experience into words and most likely haven't done it any justice.

Mixing these 2 substances I learned this morning can cause vascoconstriction. Also 25I-NBOH is closely related to 25I-NBOME and there have been several cases of overdose with just a couple of micrograms. I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Happy trails and go in peace. Love to you all. V

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107797
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Feb 9, 2016Views: 3,640
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25I-NBOH (615) : Sex Discussion (14), Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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