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A Dangerous Cocktail
1P-LSD, Flubromazolam & Wine
Citation:   Lyserga. "A Dangerous Cocktail: An Experience with 1P-LSD, Flubromazolam & Wine (exp108445)". May 26, 2016.

T+ 0:00
3 hits   1P-LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 3:00 3 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 5:00 0.25 mg oral Flubromazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 6:00 0.25 mg oral Flubromazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 - repeated oral Flubromazolam (pill / tablet)
I had received a package in the mail on monday, opening the package to my surprise the online vendor (who will remain nameless) but are very trusted by me, based out of Sweden, had included a gift to my purchase of 50 100mcg tabs of 1P-LSD. This gift was 10 .25 mg pellets of flubromazolam, which was just an added bonus in my eyes.

I put them aside in my lock box and proceeded about my day going to [ ] to buy flowers, as me and my partner had plans of dropping acid and weeding and replanting the garden today. After picking the flowers out and returning home the sun was coming out even more it being a cloudy day to our unfortune, so we decided it would be optimal to drop our tabs and begin to weed. We sat at the kitchen table tearing off our strips, I had a plan of taking a 10 strip throughout the day starting with 3 for me. My partner on the other hand is extremely sensitive to the product and decided to only start with only half a tab 40-60ug. After dosing we sat and talked at the table for probably 10 minutes smoking some cannabis concentrate which hardly affects either of us due to tolerance.

15- We began to garden gather a bucket and tools, I could already feel a slight tingle +/- nothing significant but definitely knew it was going to be a intense trip.

30 - During weeding I began to get painful cramps + from bending and crouching awkwardly I hadn't factored in that I hadn't had any LSD in about 10 days so it was going to be a full blown trip and started to psyched myself out. I told my partner I was going to the bathroom and would be right back. Upon sitting on the toilet I got some of the most intense acid visual thus far which killed any negative feelings. Upon going back outside I was +++ the rest of the day.

1:20- We finished our garden and retreated back inside to watch some television for the rest of the day while we trip.

3- This batch was very strong and fresh causing my girlfriend to become sick but after she said she felt much better and described the effects to be like enhanced adderall. I had a few glasses of wine while sitting back relaxing.

5- I was still tripping quite hard and it was getting late so I decided to try to take flubromazolam pellet to help relax me and help sleep later

6- I felt as if the pellet had no effect really so I took another big mistake.
6- I felt as if the pellet had no effect really so I took another big mistake.

I sure did fall asleep but didn't functionally wake up until late Wednesday afternoon, the bag of pellets empty and 35 tabs left out of 50 with no memories of Tuesday other than breaking a wine bottle and stumbling around a store.

I realize alcohol and benzos are not a good mixture but it didn't take much, flubromazolam is extremely potent and extremely long-lasting please use caution.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108445
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 26, 2016Views: 8,808
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1P-LSD (682), Flubromazolam (690) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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