Worst Opioid Ever
Citation:   Jimmy Jane. "Worst Opioid Ever: An Experience with Tapentadol (exp108702)". Erowid.org. Jun 16, 2016. erowid.org/exp/108702

250 mg oral Tapentadol
All I can say is that tapentadol is a big let down and by far one of the worst opioid/opiates I've ever taken. Tramadol is way better and more like a opiate then tapentadol.

Here's my reasons why: it causes me to feel off balanced like a sedative, has a minimal opiate like affect. It causes at least ten times the side affects that aren't usually associated with opiates/opioids. It doesn't cause much itching, does not cause eyes to become constricted (pin point eyes), or a feeling of body warmth, or constipation, or euphoria, or increase in energy.

It also cause mild hallucinations similar to staying awake for a few days straight without any sleep, it cause an uncomfortable body high accompanied with tingling of the extremities, waves of feeling light head, muscle spasms, and sever short term memory loss, speech deficits, vision to become dimmer, seeing random spots of light form in visual field, mild nausea, and doesn't seem to kill pain very well. Tapentadol seriously is junk I wish I would have bought tramadol instead of tapentadol.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108702
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 16, 2016Views: 13,233
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Tapentadol (495) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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