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Nothing Overpowering, but Very Enjoyable
Sassafras & Cannabis
Citation:   Omkara. "Nothing Overpowering, but Very Enjoyable: An Experience with Sassafras & Cannabis (exp112026)". Aug 14, 2018.

15 g   Sassafras (rootbark)
  0.5 g smoked Cannabis  
    smoked Cannabis (daily)
Cold-Water Extraction

I've always been curious about the medicinal and psychotropic uses of various plants. As such, I pursue herbal/plant remedies often to treat physical complications. I also enjoy pursuing plants that are rumored to have an intoxicating effect.

Sassafras was on the shelf for a cheap $3.90 CAD for 30g. I found a reference saying that a warm or hot water extraction will essentially nullify the effects. If so, then the common tea would have a minor effect. I haven't tried this just yet. I used a very simple cold water extraction and had great results.

The product seemed fresh. The store where I purchased it had an extensive product list, good presentation, and a knowledgeable staff. So I expect the quality is as nice as it can be, apart from using bark that has just been dug up.

15g of sassafras root were ground up in a coffee maker. This was placed in a large mug, with enough water to cover it comfortably. The root powder was stirred in to get as much of it soaked as possible. This sat for about 15 minutes.

I drank the liquid, avoiding as much powder as possible. I simply tossed the liquid at the bottom with the root powder. In future, I'll use a french press to keep the powder separated from the finished product.

It is worth noting that I have also been drinking saffron tea every day. 30 pistils steeped in hot water for 10 minutes. This is similar to a 15-20mg saffron capsule. It does add to the intoxicating effects of cannabis at this dose when combined. On its own at this dose, saffron does not intoxicate me but it does bring me levity and ease.

Overall it lasted about 24 hours. I was able to easily function at this dose, and it had mild effects for the last quarter.

Onset: 20 minutes
Coming up: 2-3 hours
Plateau: 5-7 hours
Coming Down: 6-8 hours
After Effects: 6-8 hours

These times are estimated.

The qualities of the experience...

It's not MDMA/MDA/the sass people sell as a brown powder. It is strong in its own way. It has both stimulating and sedating properties, although the sedating ones are more obvious. It does provide euphoria, but not the kind that will send electric love washing over me. At least not at this dose of 15g.

I smoked cannabis the entire time. This greatly alters the quality of the experience.
I smoked cannabis the entire time. This greatly alters the quality of the experience.
I get light CEVs with cannabis by itself and a trippy headspace on the right strain. This combination had me experiencing body trip sensations, heightened imagination, lots of laughter, goofy behavior, altered sense of time, and unique CEVs. I probably smoked about a 1/2 gram over the course of the night. I'm a daily smoker and often consume a 1/4 gram of cannabis a day.

Another pleasant benefit was my associative thinking during the trip. It became very floaty and personal. For example, I'd see a dog. Floating from my unconscious mind would be a comfortable memory of my dog, and then I would continue onto a stream of warm emotions/thoughts that felt similar.

I slept when I was still very high. 6 hours after ingestion, roughly. No signs of coming down at that point. Slept for ten to eleven hours and then woke up. I still had a glow and was now feeling more stimulation. This would be about 17 hours after ingesting the water. Cannabis brought out the colors of the experience again. Saffron tea at the same dose of 30 pistils, still nowhere close to a true narcotic dose, brought on some alcohol-like motor effects and a sedated mental state. I could still work and function no problem. The effects of this morning tea were pleasant and a little stronger then I expected, but in no way incapacitating.

Overall there were psychedelic elements, but there were no OEVs. It felt like 30 mcgs of LSD or less. There were moments of warmth, and empathic feelings like MDMA. Nothing overpowering, but very enjoyable.

I'll probably enjoy sassafras once every other week and play around with the doses. Perhaps a higher dose of 30g+ will bring about better results.

Take care, keep an open mind, and have fun!

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112026
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Aug 14, 2018Views: 6,001
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Sassafras (390) : General (1), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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