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Mescaline Madness in Cusco
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   Kalzen. "Mescaline Madness in Cusco: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp112668)". Dec 16, 2018.

  oral Coffee  
    oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
From the end of October to the middle of November I had a total of four mescaline trips from the cactus called San Pedro or also known as Wachuma. Let’s just say I learned a lot and had a great deal of weirdness occur during these Saturdays and Sundays. At times I felt extremely powerful, perceptive and weaker than ever before.

How to explain the San Pedro experience – highly visual, somewhat paranormal, a great deal of heightened perception and at times a deal of physical sickness, followed by the next few days or high energy.

Let us begin the break down.
I have tried San Pedro about four times in the past before this month. Once with an expert, once with a shamaness, and two
successful solo trips. This month was different though – more intense with more control and insight.

The journey began when my friend and I bought two bottles of green liquid brew from a woman in the San Pedro market in Cusco. We decided to go out to a few archeological sites for a hike right outside of Cusco while we tripped. The Saturday morning we began at around 10 AM – I brought my rapé (snort-able tobacco, [this particular blend] with yopo seeds used to bring out the San Pedro, relax, or to begin the vomiting process), coca, and we drank coffee before which caused our stomachs to be a little tense. The week before I had been eating like crap and was ready to puke up the leftover yuckiness.

We drank the brew in an Incan cave, and then took a second dose a bit after. I began throwing up a semi-violently in another explorable cave. At this point the visual effects kicked in combined with a higher level of chi flowing within my body. My senses were heightened but I felt weaker at the same time. Of course the rippling vivid perception of nature around us continued to grow in effect and was quite pleasant
the rippling vivid perception of nature around us continued to grow in effect and was quite pleasant

I enjoyed the first real stage of San Pedro, but we wanted to experience more intense effects – something that would leave a lasting impression and lasting effects. From here it was decided to take a second dose for a real heroes journey. Therefore, we drank the second dose and continued on the hike, heading up mountains and perceiving nature in its subtle glory. We walked down a hill to a stream that looked like it would be in the Shire from The Lord of the Rings (which we were referencing constantly). I decided to bathe in the cold water just because of the healthy-ish effects – to no one’s surprise it was harsh but satisfying.

It was in this wet state that I remembered and felt the pain of a dream that I had recently experienced. In this dream
I had sent my father and myself to limbo, where we had died in our in normal reality. We would then be transported to another universe without any repercussions except with our dead selves behind and our grieving families– I continued to feel the guilt weeks after, as I have almost died numerous times in my life and it could well be possible if parallel universes are real then there are dead selves out there.

After the cold bath, the second dose began to kick in as we ascended another hill. It was on the hill that we saw a small strange electrical facility where none should be – in the middle of a archeology site. It was at this point that I began to see a white grid-like substance outside of the normal perception. It was shiny, and was the pattern that governed the normal psychical structure and it was only seeable because I had a high dose of mescaline – and what was even stranger was that it was manipulatable. The intelligent grid system was moving in the clouds, within myself, and entwined within all nature. I felt as if I could see a small fraction of the background programing of our reality and the patterns of the ordinary world from an outsider’s perspective – at the time I described it as getting a few cheat codes to our reality. As I have said the field contained consciousness, with a strange sense of alien personality just out of reach. My friend and I sat at the hilltop and watched the scene unfold – although he was feeling the mescaline effects he was not able to see the grid system as intensely as I was.

It was at this point that things got a slight bit stranger. My friend asked me about a Holotropic breathwork experience that I had before, where it felt as if I had reunited with the primal source for a mere moment with the single most intense and cathartic breath I had ever taken and may ever take. Here I experienced a brief glimpse of Satori while connecting with the one breathing frequency which I personally believe we are disconnected from most of the time. I almost cried when I felt the pain of separation – though I had hope. The grid and energy patterns pulsed around as I moved my arms as a tai chi master would. I could feel the chi within my hands and some sort of manipulation occurring as I breathed in and out but I didn’t know what to do with the energy at my disposal. All around my friend I saw energy patterns that contained alien faces that were mocking me or wanted to communicate.

I made tonal sounds during the time, tuning in to the out of bounds energy. As I moved the chi I could feel in tune with nature to the point where my emotions began affecting the clouds above, causing little bursts of rain, along with the music. And even stranger it felt as if my movements had an effect on the weather
it felt as if my movements had an effect on the weather
as well – manipulatable. I was reminded at this moment of the great Tibetan sage named Milrepa. Milarepa manipulated weather and there are tons of other stories about this happening with yogic Siddhas and so forth. Let’s just say, even though it is completely unverifiable I believe it is possible to influence the weather with the chi- electricity within our body. Why not? People are able to manipulate the weather with machines – why not with the machines we call our bodies or time suits.

From here we began to head back to Cusco as it was getting darker out. There have been numerous strange stories and occurrences outside of Cusco so it was wise to head out, but I was not afraid and didn’t mind hanging out in the dark. Nearby dogs began barking at us as we crossed a field (Chacra in Quechwa). A ragged, beaten, pathetic looking dog began whimpering and following us after we gave it a little pet. I began calling it Sméagol from Lord of the Rings as it begged and wouldn’t go away.

I puked at intermissions while walking/ running back (if I had prepared better I’m sure this wouldn’t have happened). We started to hear intense sounds like a cult leader converting little children with a megaphone. A light passed through the fields as this sound felt as if it was coming closer to us. My friend became very freaked out where I wanted to fight the cult leader who was converting little children (the cult being the Catholic Church). As we got away from the strange sounds it was realized that the audio was being played within the city and was echoed to our location.

Our walk back went smoothly after feeding Sméagol and relaxing for a bit. We explored some ruins and descended into the city. My friend and I did a little bit of yoga, listened to music and ate some fruit at my place as the San Pedro was still coursing through our system until about 2 PM when the effects finally died down enough for us to sleep.

The next day we ventured outside of Cusco to Pisaq for there was a sweat lodge we were interested in. I had about 4 hours of restless sleep, before heading out. We got to the sweat lodge at about 10 and waited till about 2 for it to start… The four hours were spent talking to some strange Turkish guy about San Pedro and archeological sites while burning in the sun. Weakened and tired we endured an hour of intense heat, delirium, singing and heavy breathing.

We felt great as soon as we got out – and for the rest of the week. We had more energy, alertness, less cravings and an overall appreciation for life.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112668
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Dec 16, 2018Views: 1,053
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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