Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
For ADHD - Better Than Any Rx
Citation:   TylerTheTweaker. "For ADHD - Better Than Any Rx: An Experience with Cyclazodone (exp114207)". Jun 6, 2021.

T+ 0:00
10 mg sublingual Cyclazodone  
  T+ 3:00 10 mg sublingual Cyclazodone  
  T+ 6:00 20 mg insufflated Cyclazodone  
  T+ 12:00 20 mg sublingual Cyclazodone  
  T+ 12:00 60 mg oral Pseudoephedrine  
  T+ 0:00 20 mg sublingual Cyclazodone  
  T+ 30:00 30 mg sublingual Cyclazodone  
  T+ 38:00 30 mg sublingual Cyclazodone  
  T+ 38:00 3 - 4 oz oral Coffee  
  T+ 50:00 40 mg sublingual Cyclazodone  
  T+ 0:00 4 mg buccal Nicotine  
  T+ 0:00 9.6 mg   Piracetam (daily)
  T+ 0:00 1 g   Citicoline (daily)
  T+ 0:00 750 mg   Rhodiola rosea (daily)
Background: Diagnosed ADHD, seem to need a higher dose of every stimulant except Adderall, but can't stand the irritability and anger it causes. Vyvanse is shitty, unpredictable Adderall. Dislike Concerta due to how uneven it releases and the horrid crash. DXM is my DoC and smooths out my prescribed methylphenidate, which I must take tolerance breaks from or switch to Adderall as it stops working after 2-3 months where it begins to make me incredibly sleepy.

Received a quarter gram of Cyclazodone from a certain well-regarded supplier, and dosed 10mg sublingually which was then swallowed. I should also mention I did 888mg of DXM polistirex the previous day.
I should also mention I did 888mg of DXM polistirex the previous day.

Noticed effects within the hour. Completely attenuated methylphenidate withdrawal. Effects were subtle. No sleepiness, no feelings of dysphoria, no irritability, and no foggy mind. In fact, my mind was clearer than normal. There was no hyperfocus or tunnel focus, and there was almost a goofy quality to it. Stimulants can "erase your personality" though they usually just kept me from acting out, but this is much more prominent with Adderall which makes me feel like a robot while Ritalin allows me to keep my spontaneous quality though I'm less reserved and can become hyperfocused. Cyclazodone allowed me to focus my attention on whatever I wanted without getting locked in or losing time, and I began cleaning my room, noticing things that I had missed and trash that didn't belong. It seemed to enhance my stamina, and doing chores didn't drain me. It was most similar in quality to nicotine, which made cleaning and organizing things a joy. Cyclazodone seems to be wonderful as a daily drug. It's subtle, it minimizes inattention and that feeling of unrest that leads to impulsivity, but it seems quite useless for something like cramming for a big test or writing a large paper hours before a deadline. Cyclazodone does not put constraints on creativity and actually stimulates it in a nicotine-like way. Cyclazodone is good for doing lots of small tasks and chores, bouncing around from task to task with energy and stamina, the ability to stick to any one task for as long as is needed, but without the 'Candy Crush effect.'

Redosed 10mg. Effects were much stronger. There was no pleasure or euphoria but simply an attentuation of any dysphoria or unrest. There was a slight serotonergic quality to it but it was more of a reuptake inhibitor in this department than a releasing agent like MDMA or benzedrex, yet did not possess any serotonin-related brain fog. Cyclazodone is not robotic at all and quite creative and sociable for a stimulant while being wonderful for impulsive-hyperactive symptoms and enhancing depth of thought and verbal fluency.

Insufflated 20mg. This compound does not seem to be active insufflated. I did not notice any changes for 3 hours.

At T+10h, I took another 20mg sublingually and orally, which provided a negligible boost to the effects, though a very slight tunnel focus became present, though was not difficult to resist at all. I also became curious and attempted to combine with 60mg of pseudoephedrine. Over the next 8 hours, the drug took on a more typical amphetamine quality, and became more robotic, less lighthearted and whimsical, I became incredibly tunnel focused on tasks, I got similar cardiac effects and jaw clenching as with amphetamines, and I would ultimately describe the state as "adderall-lite." There was still a higher level of clarity and a lack of any sexual or euphoric effects compared to Adderall. It became much more rushy and much less functional.

Cyclazodone is also much, much cleaner, more pleasant, less intense, and more effective than bupropion as an antidepressant from my anecdotal experience

Feeling the effects of the pseudoephedrine waning, I wanted to push the cyclazodone to its limits, so I dosed 20mg sublingually once more. This provided the most significant effects, and I did a lot of writing and was hearing some interesting compositional ideas in my head (like my working memory/head voice, not hallucinations). My mental sketchpad was significantly enhanced, rivaling PRL-8-53 and surpassing methylphenidate in working memory enhancement and mental sketchpad clarity.

I slept without trouble once the pseudoephedrine was out of my system, even though I was still feeling the cyclazodone strong. It helped calm my racing mind and I got to sleep quite quickly. I had extremely vivid and wild dreams of developing an FPS-style video game based on the old Minecraft gamemode Annihilation.

I was awakened with receiving a package from the postal service, and hadn't slept very much yet was still feeling the cyclazodone. I waited quite a few hours so that I had not dosed in 18 hours, yet there was no comedown. Sure, I wasn't very chipper and upbeat like I was on the drug, but I was surprised to notice that my symptoms of stimulant withdrawal were gone 18 hours post-dose. I got curious if the effects would return and took a 30mg dose. Return they did, and I was back to tackling tasks around the house. I wasn't forced to operate at maximum efficiency, it simply wasn't draining to do much-needed housework, and I wasn't filled with unrest and dread thinking about starting a task.

8 hours later, I took another 30mg dose orally with about 3-4oz of espresso, which continued the upbeat effects. I began outlining a book I'd been putting off working on. Keep in mind this was no magical, wonderful, manic motivation, nor was it some stroke of genius, I was simply not dreading allotting my time optimally. It's great for floating from task to task, it helps get rid of that need to blurt something out or be constantly engaged in social situations and mutes social anxiety. It simply enhances normal social interaction and lessens anxiety in starting conversations, but I won't end up talking to every person I meet and I won't feel like I'm on the limitless pill.

Later that day, I also tried combining with nicotine, but I found that nicotine actually impaired my ability to write as it would with a high enough dose of Ritalin. The nicotine was more intense than usual.

The next day, I woke up again still not feeling that dreaded stimulant crash. I slept for much longer this time and again didn't have any trouble getting to sleep. My feet were a bit sore as were my fingertips from chewing them so much while on the pseudoephedrine. I took 40mg and did some work on the book and brushed up a bit on programming while doing some research on probiotics and fermentation. I took a nap later that day and the soreness was gone, so perhaps I was just a bit sleep deprived. Cyclazodone definitely eliminated that waking dread and morning difficulty. I have never been a morning person and always needed caffeine, a prescription pill, and about 2 hours to boot up. After dosing cyclazodone the previous day, I was waking up not chipper and upbeat and tweaking or anything of the sort but not feeling like I had been mentally hit by a truck and rolling back over and falling asleep again, so I believe perhaps I may have just underslept compared to what my body usually demands. I have a chronic problem with missing alarms, but with cyclazodone I don't need an absurd amount of sleep to function on a basic level. Cyclazodone wonderfully removes sleep deprivation-related brain fog even better than PRL-8-53, even 18 hours after dosing it. I definitely believe cyclazodone has some sort of chronic effect. Cyclazodone, from my experience, seems to have reverse tolerance, though its effects definitely hit a ceiling. I did not need to redose after the initial 40mg that day. The effects waned slowly, but I didn't even notice when it really dipped out until my performance fell a bit short.

Another fantastic thing to report is that cyclazodone seems to reduce my visual snow, and inhibits hypnagogia with sleep deprivation. It also enhances my peripheral vision, which I commonly miss everything in. It seems great at helping me not completely miss the obvious, and I also don't find myself reading absent mindedly while in my own head and not remembering the last few paragraphs like I tend to without Ritalin or with too little sleep.

The next day was generally uneventful, but I felt like I was on a small dose of nicotine throughout the day and had no symptoms of stimulant withdrawal. In fact, I have never felt "normal" until now without a stimulant in my system having started them as a toddler. The end of the following day I wrote this report, and I'm still functioning quite well though my grammar and sentence structure tells me I definitely am ready for another dose. Cyclazodone seems to not have a comedown at all, and exhibits some sort of rewiring effect like a DXM afterglow.

Cyclazodone feels warm, sociable, and friendly. It's not manic, it's not robotic, it's not forced, rushy, sexual, or euphoric. Cyclazodone is unbelievably clean, a wonderful cognitive enhancer, the perfect functional stimulant, and contrary to reports I read even high doses did not give me anxiety. It is most effective sublingually, but also effective orally. It cannot be insufflated, and does not cause compulsive redosing. Cyclazodone has minimal recreational value, and is most effective for ADHD and as an antidepressant/mood brightener. My writing is not as organized as usual, but I'm not complaining because without cyclazodone or any stimulant for that matter, it would be far worse, and I probably would not have the energy to write at all. I also changed tenses and such a few times since I picked up and set down this piece throughout the day, but I think I get my point across. Overall, very satisfied with Cyclazodone. It seems most like nicotine and PRL-8-53 with a hint of adderall. It takes on more of the characteristics of Adderall when combined with pseudoephedrine, but in doing this, negative effects increase while positive effects are muted. Even then, it is not a typical amphetamine as it reserves some of its nootropic PRL-like effects. Cyclazodone is a winner in my book for sure. I'd trade my script for it if it were offered and covered by my insurance.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114207
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 6, 2021Views: 2,157
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Cyclazodone (939) : Unknown Context (20), Multi-Day Experience (13), Performance Enhancement (50), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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