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Everything at Once
by RxP
Citation:   RxP. "Everything at Once: An Experience with 1cP-LSD (exp114597)". Jul 22, 2020.

T+ 0:00
100 ug oral 1cP-LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 200 ug oral 1cP-LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 5:45 2 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 5:45 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
Just recently decided to leave my old job after about 5 yrs and decided to celebrate by dropping a few tabs. I have done LSD prior and felt I was fairly well acquainted with the effects.

Ate an early dinner then lounged around for a bit waiting till I was ready to dose. Dosed 1 tab at 18:15 and decided to let that one settle in for a bit and went for about an hour long walk on this preserve across the street. About half way through my walk I noticed my perception is a bit off, but nothing to major and I wasn't sure if it was just placebo or not, so I didn't think much of it.

I arrived back home still not noticing much of anything besides colors being a bit brighter and my perception being slightly different, so I decided to dose 2 more tabs. Almost immediately after I took those two tabs its like a switch was turned on and I knew I was in for a wild ride. It started with the textures on the walls moving and overlaying one another. Lights flashing into and out of my field of vision, similar to how it looks when someone pulls into my driveway at night and I see the headlight beams shoot across the wall. Everything was absolutely hilarious. I could have been at my grandmas funeral and still would of been cracking up. This went on for about an hour then those other tabs started kicking in and turned the dial up to 11.

I decide to go for another walk, now around 10/11pm. I just couldn't stay cooped up anymore. I had this intense urge to keep moving. I leave my house and start walking around my neighborhood. It was twilight out and there was just a spit of light left in the sky. The visuals were absolutely flooring now. Filling my entire field of vision. To quote what I wrote in my journal, "Movement/Shifting/Breathing/Colors/Patterns ALL HAPPENING AT ONCE". Everything was so alive. The ground had geometric patterns levitating and rotating around one another, the trees were growing and reaching for the sky infinitely, lights and colors would fly around my field of view as if I was at a rave. At one point the visuals were so intense I wasn't sure I was even walking on the path, just praying that my muscle memory was working as the path was just a gobbled mess of warping patterns. Sounds were also altered. I would hear something and it would echo across and through my head, but I couldn't tell where it had come from because it was so echoic almost as if I was in a church or something.

I arrived back to my apartment safe and sound after about 20mins. My apartment was equally wild as outside. The carpet looked like a floating fractal plane, light dancing on the walls, and the patterns on my counter tops were rotating and changing in size. It was absolutely amazing and beautiful. It was fairly late so I decided to watch some youtube just to see what it was like. My screen was hard to read and all the text was levitated off the screen. For some reason I decided to watch some Terminator clips, not sure why, but it may have been in my suggestions or something so I just clicked it. Listening to Arnold was hilarious and everyone's face was growing, shrinking, and warping. Seeing the T-1000 was REALLY trippy and I was enamored by it, seeing him melt and warp really blew my mind.

It was about midnight and I decided to take some cannabis in the form of three 5mg mints and a small bowl. This was almost too much and I was stuck in thought loops and was getting anxious. I took a shower and got ready for bed hoping that the weed would help me sleep. It had been around 7 hours since I initially dosed so I thought I would start coming down soon, boy was I wrong. I get into bed and try to lay there and fall asleep for about an hour I think, but sleep just wasn't going to happen. So I gave up and got out of bed at around 5am. At this point it had been about 11 hours since I dosed and I was STILL tripping hard. Mentally I was returning, but visually, while things have calmed down a bit, there was still a lot of stuff happening. At around 6am I decided to drive to the store and just go about my day because I had somethings I needed to pick up and did not anticipate tripping for 12+ hours. The store was mostly empty (thankfully) and I get what I need and return home. I make some breakfast as I hadn't eaten in a while and even though I wasn't hungry I knew I had to eat. Eventually around 24hrs later visuals are nearly gone and my head space was about normal. I didn't end up sleeping until about 40hrs later.

Overall, it was great. The only notable negatives that I experienced was crazy gastrointestinal pain and jaw clenching. Not sure why, but this stuff made my gut hate me, just constant feeling of bloat and cramping that wouldn't go away unless I was standing.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114597
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jul 22, 2020Views: 2,703
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1cP-LSD (906) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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