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Seizure and Enlightenment
LSD, Lithium, Fluoxetine, Bupropion & Quetiapine
by Ari
Citation:   Ari. "Seizure and Enlightenment: An Experience with LSD, Lithium, Fluoxetine, Bupropion & Quetiapine (exp114890)". Erowid.org. Dec 12, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114890

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  3 hits oral LSD (edible / food)
  600 or 900 mg oral Pharms - Lithium  
  60 or 80 mg oral Pharms - Fluoxetine  
  150 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion  
  25 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine  
LSD Lithium Seizure and Enlightenment

I wrote this story about an experience I had. It keeps being taken off of reddit, But this is a story for people like us to hear. I would so appreciate if you would read. this experience changed me forever.

"Trancendental Mistakes for Local Psychonaut, comes out alright on the other side."

This is a cautionary tale, I want to make this much clear : My circumstance ended up fine, but it didn't have to. It could have been much worse. I will speak to the good that I think the experience left with me but that is not a justification to try this combo. This mistake was due to the fact that I wanted to get high, to escape. I skipped over the most important rule of psychedelia, Research.

This is also a debrief to myself after a most eye opening experience, so it is lengthy.

Background: 31 y/o male physically healthy and active. I have been on and off meds since I was 8 starting with amphetamines for concentration, eventually anti-depressants , with some powerful anti-psychotics by 11. But only now in my 30's has any doctor put their finger on my "Bipolar manic depression type II". It took them far too long to reach this conclusion. Nevertheless I am happy to have the diagnosis, as it allows me to know what I am dealing with and use that as a base for personal discovery.

My relationship with "mind altering substances" first of which were prescribed, has always been fraught. At a young age it was my responsibility to take my medicine correctly. Mistakes were made. Children shouldn't be "playing pharmacy" with real medicine, they will just fuck it up. This went on for years until I was 17 and I went off all medicine until I was 27. I have been on psychotropic medicine for a long time.

From those past experiences, I am on top of taking my medicine today, I have found a combo that works for now. I hope the meds are short term therapies, but that remains to be seen.

Flash forward, here I am in my thirties with semi-managed Bipolar type II. I like drugs, I have for a long time and I have been taking risks since long before adulthood. I've never overdosed on anything, never been hospitalized for anything drug or mental health related.

I'm currently on Prozac 60, Lithium 900, Welbutrin, Seroquel 25.
I'm currently on Prozac 60, Lithium 900, Welbutrin, Seroquel 25.

I am with my closest friend at his house, we have tripped many times. As of late I had really wanted to take these hits of Owsley liquid an other friend laid for me on 3 giant sour patch kids.

Dose dropped
I remember the guy who had gifted me the doses say "I laid those heavy, so tread lightly. My friend and I ended up splitting 3 sour patch kids and 2 blotters each. Somewhere in the 400 mics - 500 mics.

Coming up steadily
Feeling of uplift, deterioration of auditory perception. This is a new phenomena for me. I have taken this LSD Lithium combo at sub perceptual levels before and this hearing thing is a lot to handle. I can't make out where sounds are coming from, if somebody speaks, their words are like inverted and ping pong around in my head. The sensation makes it feel as if the fluid balancing mechanism of the ear can not do its function of keeping balance, and pressure feels off and moving randomly.

We decide to go outside, all is well. Pre-perceptual eye visuals were apparent. We walk outside in the rain, its a steady rain that would get you soaking in just a few minutes. We walked out on to the asphalt driveway, covered in dead grass trimmings from a few days back landscaping. Wading around in "rain grass soup" felt super cool and only added to the experience.

Both my friend and I are in good spirits, conversation is excited, funny and engaged. ***Its important to point out my friend and I have known each other for over a decade, share a brotherhood between us and have dosed over 30 times together.

My buddy and I were giddy, all smiles jokes and wonderment. The conversation was fun, it always is whether we are high or not. Usually we are talking about things within the realms of, cannabinoid research, physics, renewable energy, Emotions, family problems, Friends shit n` stuff.

We we're on the subject of how illogical the fact that any of this experience of the universe exists. Some very existential shit. The type of stuff that happens on some doses. There is some "Dark Side of The Moon" playing on the speaker off his Roku tv.

I feel a sense of break in reality. As if there were brakes on the wheels of my mind and they came to a screeching halt. At that same instant while looking at my friend he turns into this flash of light turquoise with electrical currents running through. That only lasts a small moment.

We decide to go outside again as we and leave the basement. I walk about 4 ft, I remember falling and then, I'm gone. Out. Down on the ground, shaking, eyes open. Seizure. This was all told to me of course in the morning.
***I don't have a time log for events at this part but know this happened somewhere around 10:00 pm.

Frank, who is an angel and you will see why, high as a kite now needs to deal with me. Make sure I don't get hurt, as I am rolling around thrashing violently on the hard basement carpet.

So Frank is holding me and his description of what was going on is as such, "you were shaking, sometimes you would utter a random word but no sentences, eyes open the whole time but unable to see."

Time passes and I begin to become agitated by the semi conscience confusing state I am in. There are these small moments of reckoning that happen during the event. In this instant I try to stand up I have a small frame of reality and I am trying to get up and run. Frank has to man handle me. I'm 5'7" 180 and Frank is 6'2" and about the same weight. A good match up for my buddy. Fade into black again.

At some point Frank's sister Vince strolls in down stairs. Frank explains whats going on. "call an ambulance Frank", "No Vince, Bennie has to find himself out of this one. He will be o.k." Vince steps in and begins to help take care of me. She held me and kept telling me I was going to be ok and helped me stay calm. As mentioned before my eyes were open the entire time.

Again I rise and attempt to stagger to my feet, unsuccessfully. I fall flat on my face and get a bloodied nose. This is also where I bite the hell out of Vince's leg drawing blood. I was really scared apparently. Fade into black.

I rise once more, they are watching the Simpsons. I try to speak, but its all coming out as gutturals. I try to stand, fall again. Stare at Vince thinking how can I tell her, when I had nothing to say. This moment is where things became back into a semi sense of focus. The condition I was in on this last moment of lucidity I can only describe as K-hole-esque.

In all I was in this state for about 4 hours straight.

Now, what does this all mean. What do I come away with from this experience. How can I will this incredibly frightening experience into an incredibly frightening personal growth experience. As I am sure you are aware, I am no Dr. The combination I took "lithium and LSD" should never ever under any circumstance be taken together. With that said "Bennie" here did. This combination of two substances I hold near could have killed me, for what it was worth I should be. I am convinced that this experience has helped me strike up a positive change in my personal perspective of responsibility to my self. Coming back from this experience has changed me for good. I feel like I received Chemical-Electro-shock therapy. I am not manic just feeling really good. Maybe the reaction at the time is violent with the seizure, but the result is therapeutic once finished. all in all, I'm blessed to have such good friends to take care of me. This was a profound experience that I don't plan to attempt again. Do your research my friends.

****It's been 3 months since the experience, and my life has been on an upward trajectory. I was headed that way anyways now its all the more real. I have found myself, I am making decisions that I had feared in the past. I enrolled in electrical school at 31 years old and am going to get my associates degree, I was so afraid in the past but I am moving forward. I have ended relationships that were causing me trouble. I have strengthened the relationships with those who I share love with and for. I have found the door to enlightenment I truly feel. I am currently oiling the hinges and crafting a key for the lock.

I have not had a bipolar episode in over a year since I received the diagnosis. I attribute the growth to meds and having faith that you and I can bet better and doing whatever it takes to get there. I believe our minds are so powerful that if we truly challenge ourselves to manifest our mind and soul, explore and its output and actions into the real and spirit world as my close friend Michael says "Change the world, Change the self."

[Reported Dose: "LSD Lithium Prozac Wellbutrin / 600 iu, 600mg, 80mg,150mg"]

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114890
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Dec 12, 2020Views: 812
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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