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Amazing Body High
Citation:   tvojemama. "Amazing Body High: An Experience with 4-HO-EPT (exp116027)". Erowid.org. Jan 27, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116027

27 mg oral 4-HO-EPT
Before this trip I had only used 2C-B and LSD. Last experience was with LSD 5 months before. I wanted to remind me psychedelic thoughts, have fun and explore something new for me. I choose 4-HO-EPT because it’s a tryptamine (I never used one) and novel psychedelic, which make it more interesting (at least from my perspective). Also it’s legal in country where I live.
At 2pm I finished lunch and at 14:30 consumed orally 27 mg of the drug. I was assuming it would come up later because I had full stomach. The opposite was true.

10 minutes in, I was washing my hands after toilet and I noticed some color enhancement. In 10 seconds I was tripping pretty hard. I packed up headphones, apples and tarpaulin and went out in woods. At 15:00 I was definitely at the peak. I still hadn’t seen visuals only brighter colours. 15:05 and mild pseudohallucinations showed up. Holes in snow from drops were blue. Body high was intense, pleasurable and stable.

I had laid down on tarpaulin in coppice and started listening to music. It felt really really good, almost like my head between headphones had an orgasm but calmer. I never tried opioids, but I believe those who say the body high is similar. Music sounded different, weirder but incredibly good, when I closed eyes I saw multiple fractal horns which were playing instrumental sounds of a particular song. Compared to LSD there was stronger auditory enhancement.
Compared to LSD there was stronger auditory enhancement.
At one point I clearly heard a drop fall into the water. It must have been an auditory hallucination. I heard some child voices but that could be real.

I got little nausea sometimes around 15:40. I decided to go on huntsman's high seat. At 15:50 I first noticed that it started coming down a little but still at the peak. On the high seat I was just thinking, listening to music and waiting for the comedown. At one monent a car drove like three hundred meters from me on a road and I perfectly heard wheels on the road and the engine. I ate an apple and left the high seat.

Two and half hours in I was definitely off the peak. At that time I was just walking in nature, enjoying the moment and thinking about my future. It was actually the most trippy part of the experience. Around six o’clock I met two friends and went to the pub. I didn’t tell them about the trip, I wanted to know if they found out. It became obvious relatively fast as I was overall confused. In the pub we were just chatting. We played darts and I won, which is interesting because usually I’m quite bad at it. Around 19:30, five hours after ingestion I felt sober and had only insignificant visual snow.

After effects weren’t strong at all. After another few days I felt more motivated, peaceful and happy with my life. In one way it was funny for me that I had such a blissful experience.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116027
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jan 27, 2022Views: 671
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4-HO-EPT (777) : Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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