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3-MeO-PCx Are Still the Kings of Wacky Drugs
Citation:   razorasap. "3-MeO-PCx Are Still the Kings of Wacky Drugs: An Experience with 3-MeO-PCE (exp116698)". Sep 29, 2022.

110 mg   3-MEO-PCE
In my time on this blueish geoid we call earth, I've tried more or less 70 different psychoactive substances. I mostly used this rolodex of compounds for lavish, hedonistic, thinkaboutittomorrow pleasure. Or, for a quick fix to whatever personal little drama I encounter on a day to day basis. And it's a lot, and I'd like some more, and please and thank you.

There are only two categories of drugs that, in my experience, offer more than what's written above: psychedelics and dissociatives. I won't bore you with a report about psychedelics because they are everywhere, out of trend and frankly trite. I will instead tell you a bit more about dissociatives because I find them much more worthy of interest.

"Have you ever wondered what it feels like to go completely, absolutely, clinically insane?"

"Have you ever wondered what your body looks like from the outside, without using a mirror?"

"Have you ever desired to separate all the fundamental parts of your consciousness from each other, put them in a blender, and see what comes out from the other side?"

Look no further!

Two nights ago I consumed a total of 110mg of 3-MeO-PCE, over three redosing, with basically no tolerance, because dumbness and greed. Here's some of the things that happened during that night, in no particular order:

-I had an idea. An amazing idea. Listen up. Strap three GoPro around my head, pump me full of amphetamines and dissos and let me run around Europe's capitals in search of underground music, fun and general depravity. Vlog every second of it, every conversation I have, every line I snort, everything I fuck, everything I throw-up. End only when I'm dead or imprisoned. Title the whole thing "Hardcore Adventures: a concentrate of human experience". Label it as "performance art". (I spent almost three hours planning this shit in details)

-I convinced myself that a demon possessed me and changed my gender. I was no more male or female, I was something else (I'm cis and don't believe in the supernatural). My dick felt like an unnecessary kitchen appliance, my Adam's apple felt like deep vein thrombosis.
My dick felt like an unnecessary kitchen appliance, my Adam's apple felt like deep vein thrombosis.

-I forgot how to roll a cigarette, which is something I've done 15+ times a day for the last ten years. Tobacco, filters and papers laid in front of me and I had absolutely no idea about what to do with them

-I got lost in my own bedroom

-I started spinning on myself and every quarter turn or so I had a complete amnesia about were I was and who I was. Inside my head there was a sloshy and artificial noise, like lego pieces smashing together in a washing machine full of yogurt

-I was listening to "Vicarious" by Tool and was utterly convinced that Maynard James Keenan was talking to me specifically, and that he would've liked to "watch me die from a good, safe distance" which is insane, considering he was living inside my headphones, attached to my head. Maynard go further!

-Crabwalking seems prevalent with this susbstances. I crabwalked as if my life depended on it, and gave birth to many hellish crabwalkers while doing that. My spouse was the aforementioned demon, and all our kids were non-binary

-The reason I stopped redosing was that I was scared my insides would come out. I was scared of turning inside out, like a glove

Made me go full-on retard-o mode and made me forget the why, when and where of anything.

I'm once again very impressed of how far and fucked my head can go, given the right dosage of 3-MeO-anything.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116698
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Sep 29, 2022Views: 351
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3-MEO-PCE (536) : Alone (16), General (1)

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