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An Angel's Heart Awoke
Citation:   Das Labor. "An Angel's Heart Awoke: An Experience with Absinthe (exp21921)". Dec 8, 2003.

50 ml oral Absinthe (liquid)
  50 ml oral Absinthe (liquid)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I have had the wish to try Absinth for quite some time, but I had always thought, that it is still forbidden. As is read only a few days ago this ist not the case in Germany since 1998, although the Thujone contents is limited now to a much smaller amount than in the good old times before it has been prohibited.

As a preparation I read some experience reports and I got even more curious than I was before. I went to my favourite shop and bought a small bottle (100 ml) of an French Absinth, labelled 'Absente'. It had 55,5 % of alcohol but it was not stated on the bottle how much Thujone it contained. I thought it better to try it in a small dose before I spend much money for a big bottle without even knowing the effects, or if there would be any. Now, I curse myself for not buying a bigger bottle!

As I have read before, the preparations and the anticipation are part of the experience. I mixed the 'Absente' with water 1:1 and also burned two small sugar lumps over the glass. I took 50 ml at first to see what would happen. I had not expected to feel such strong effects which set on almost instantaneously after taking the first few sips! I felt kind of light-headed and I realized that my brow seemed to tickle beneath my skin. This effect can be compared to the one I had in the early times of Cannabis using. Despite of this, the experience is not to be compared to marijuana. It is more a kind of mixture between alcohol and weed. I had also a warm feeling in my stomach, similar to the one after taking shrooms.

I turned down the lights and played ome of my favourite CDs. While I sat there and tried to determine what was happening, I began to compose my experience report and although I am no native english speaker, the words came easily to my mind. I had the urge to ring my best friend and talk to her. I went to the balcony for a cigarette while drinking the second glass of 50 ml and as some people walked by I had to restrain myself from just talking to them. I noticed also that my thumb, which I had burnt seriously during the preparations, ceased to hurt. It has to be said that I had some slight coordination problems while walking.

I can not say that the music sounded significantly different, bit it definitely added to the atmosphere. The peak was about 30-40 minutes (I forgot to look on my watch) and the whole experience lasted approximately one and a half hour.

What can I say? It was definitely worth a try and I am already looking forward to the next time which will defnitely come! The effects were surprisingly strong, I had expected a much more mellow trip, as it usually takes bigger doses for me to feel anything with weed and psylocibes.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21921
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 8, 2003Views: 28,878
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Absinthe (4) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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