Citation:   Anonymous. "Curiosities: An Experience with Meditation (exp2684)". Nov 13, 2001.

Have been meditating using breath-counting for one year, following Lawrence Leshan's 'How to Meditate.' Some experiences had during this year:

For about a month, soon after picking up meditation, my hands would grow extremely hot while meditating.

Had finished a half-hour of meditation. Lay down with eyes closed, and realized I could make my field of vision grow white. Made vision go white...white... twice, then let the experience manifest itself fully. Simultaneously, felt an 'aliveness' manifest throughout my body, heard a high, rounded sound grow in volume like feedback from an amplifier, and had my field of vision go completely white. All this happened in a moment.

Was meditating in a sitting position, hands palm-up. Was feeling 'glassy', mentally, which is how I feel when my session seems to be especially effective. As I pushed forward into a new place, mentally, my hands contorted--I don't recall clearly, but I think the middle fingers on both hands curled back to touch the palms. The motion was easily resistable, but it felt better to let it happen.

Was feeling very relaxed, even elated, to begin with. Lay down to meditate, and the moment my body completed the motion, felt the earth 'shift,' and then return to place. The 'movement' was quick, and covered what felt like only an inch or so. Perhaps what I felt wasn't the earth move under me, but rather myself momentarily loosed from my body and then jerked back. I am almost certain it was not an actual earthquake. Afterward felt fearful of (imagined?) presences next to me in the dark.

Dreamed one morning of seeing myself in the mirror, only I saw myself distorted: The skin on my face was folded into an extreme grimace; there was a vertical, eye-shaped feature, framed by mounds of skin, between my eyes on my forehead; and I had wings. Later that morning, came across a pair of severed pigeon's wings, no body nearby, lying on a sidewalk. That afternoon, napped. With eyes closed, heard extremely heavy footfalls come to the side of my bed. Still with eyes closed, felt my body gripped on either side of my upper arms, and my torso lifted forward into a sitting position. I did not feel myself using my own muscles to accomplish this. As my mind returned to regular consciousness, my torso eased back into the bed. Initially was unable to move my legs, but control gradually returned. Also, sensation of brain activity in an unfamiliar area toward the rear of my head--this feeling subsided as control over my body returned, and my mind came back to regular consciousness.

On several different occasions, have decided to purge particular negative feeling from myself. Once on marijuana--decided to do this, felt a shuddering in my body, and subsequently a lightening of mood, and a relaxation in my facial muscles. During meditation did this, felt shuddering, felt face briefly exhibit anger, then a lightening of mood, one that has persisted since that session. Both times, framed this decision as a will to purge myself of demons in a literal sense.

Levitated. Just kidding.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2684
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 13, 2001Views: 7,611
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