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Study Aid
Citation:   Student. "Study Aid: An Experience with Adrafinil (exp27365)". Dec 6, 2003.

600 mg oral Adrafinil (daily)
As a university student seeking to enhance cognitive function, particularly motivation and mental alertness, I decided to purchase the psychostimulant Adrafinil.

A single 600 mg dose of Adrafinil provided increased drive and a moderate stimulatory effect, qualitatively similar to 200mg of caffeine. The onset of effects, for me, came approximately 30 mins after ingestion and the sense of heightened alertness persisted for several hours afterwards.

In addition to a moderate stimulatory effect, I found adrafinil to increase the capacity of my working-memory. I attribute this to the ability of adrafinil to increase mental speed, thereby permitting faster manipulation and processing of information.

Cognition aside, adrafinil also increased my physical energy. This effect is in accordance with one clinical study in rats, where it was demonstrated adrafinil increased locomotive activity.

At 600mg daily for 30 days, I did not experience any side-effect. In contrast to others who have used adrafinil, my sleep was not interrupted.

I only use adrafinil in the weeks preceeding exams, since clinical studies have not been conducted to investigate the long-term effects of this drug.

Nevertheless, for those wishing to increase alertness and general mental function, I recommend adrafinil as a good alternative to caffeine.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27365
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 6, 2003Views: 32,331
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Adrafinil (216) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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