Mellow Happy & Calm
Butalbital, Caffeine & Acetaminophen
Citation:   alienbaby. "Mellow Happy & Calm: An Experience with Butalbital, Caffeine & Acetaminophen (exp31504)". Jun 21, 2018.

100 mg oral Butalbital
  80 mg oral Butalbital
    oral Acetaminophen
I was recently prescribed Fioricet tabs in place of lortabs for my headaches. ( OK, maybe the headaches weren't really that bad, but I wanted to have a little something to help relax & bring a pleasant mood). I had read a little about butalbital. Fioricet combines APAP & caffiene.

I took 2 50 MG tabs at 10:15 AM There was a fairly rapid onset for the effects, about 20-30 min. Unlike most opioids which are closer to 60 min for me. The feeling was calm, relaxing, & mellow. Like taking a couple xanax or valium. But the caffiene helped keep me alert, so I was able to enjoy the soothing, calm feeling brought on by this marvelous drug.

Now then, the effects were quite long lasting for me, about 5-6 hours. That was a nice surprise, since most opioids last no more than 2 hours.

This is a great drug for headache. Very mild, but effective. I also combined a dose of fioricet with 2 MG of clonezepam.... that was a nice high... but also acted as a mind eraser, & made me sleep a bit too soundly at night.

Overall, My opinion of butalbital (fioricet) is 8 out of 10

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31504
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2018Views: 3,556
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Butalbital (576), Caffeine (11) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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