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Good, But Not Worth the Price
Citation:   Cactushead. "Good, But Not Worth the Price: An Experience with Kratom (exp38869)". Dec 11, 2004.

T+ 0:00
  oral Kratom (extract - 10x)
  T+ 1:00 1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
Background: I have tried just about every well known drug out there, as well as several lesser known substances. Regarding the opiates, I have used codeine, oxycodone, and heroin.

4:06- Very excited, happy. Probably because I get to try something new.

4:13- Feeling very relaxed. Slight aching in my chest, but feeling good otherwise. I did have a beer before the Kratom. I feel really spacy… kind of like my head is floating in a thick liquid.

4:20- Took a little more. At this point, I’ve taken half of an order of 10x extract. Feeling pretty mellow and I’m really digging the Flaming Lips I’m listening to. The Kratom extract kind of tastes like opium.

4:27- Although I am somewhat unimpressed, this does remind me of a codeine high. I suppose it’s because I’ve been so involved with psychedelics lately, that I’ve lost an appreciation for other states of being. I could see this as being a good substance to use for relaxation. I feel a little drowsy as well. For the money, it’s probably not worth it though. Honestly, I can’t believe that this is illegal in some parts of the world. The effects are noticeable, but certainly not anything that would impair a person, or become addictive. I notice that I am often void of any emotions at all, although I do feel an occasional sense of happy serenity.

4:40- I’m finding that this feels a like other opiets, except it’s missing one part… I’m trying to put my finger on it. It’s like being on an opiate, but without the “nods” so to speak. It is subtle, but certainly not weak.

4:50- Definitely don’t want to move.

5:00- Seems like it’s beginning to wear off a little.

5:10- Decided to take a hit of salvia 10x extract. I thought it might be interesting to add another drug that affects the mu-opiod receptors. Generally, I get visuals from salvia, but this time the whole experience was physical. I felt very much like I was below and slightly to right of something. Haha, I suppose that in reality I am always below and to the right of something, but I was very aware of my body having the sensation of being below and to the right; off-center at any rate. Jesus, you better get the DEA working on this. It’s like, “Hurry. He feels slightly more towards the right than usual! Better make a law against that before he goes too much to the bottom-right!” Idiots. I can see how Kratom might make a person a little nausous, but it’s very mild. I am not finding Kratom to act as an analgesic though, because if it were, my shoulder ache would go away. I’m gonna go take a warm shower.

6:20- Well, I’m pretty much baseline by now, although I am still slightly nauseas.

Afterthoughts: Well, I have mixed feelings about Kratom. The positive side is that at the peak of the experience, this really is a good opiate substitute (without many of the negative aspects of opiates.) However, the peak lasted only about a half hour; so between the mild naseua and the expensive price, I’d say that this isn’t something I’ll purchase again. It certainly has the feel of an opiate, although there is something missing. I didn’t find Kratom to be as euphoric as traditional opiates, but I think it is also much less likely to be addictive. While it was worth a try, I would not consider buying it again unless I could find a cheaper source.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38869
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 11, 2004Views: 21,840
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