For Opiate Withdrawal
Kratom ('Super Powder')
Citation:   Alias. "For Opiate Withdrawal: An Experience with Kratom ('Super Powder') (exp40019)". Feb 16, 2005.

3.0 g oral Kratom (tea)
I was prescribed viocodin for an injury 3 months ago. After the pain was gone, I began abusing vicodin on a nightly basis. Gradually, my nightly dose increased. Eventually, it got to the point where I had to snort Vicodin pills to get high... because I would feel hungover if I took enough vicodin orally to get high (I assume this is from the damage caused to my liver from acetaminophen). Be careful with vicodin, and use extraction methods if possible.

My supply ran out, and the withdrawals kicked in. It was diffcult to sleep, and my stomach and sides would hurt. Plus, I got very depressed. I found kratom one night while searching online for a way to deal with withdrawals. Tonight, I took 3 grams of Kratom 'Super Powder', which is approximately equal to 36mg of Kratom Alkaloids. I mixed the powder with some hot water and sipped the drink down in about 5 minutes.
15 minutes later, I began to feel edgy. I felt like something was about to happen. My throat and mouth was numb. Then I began to feel numb... numb in the mind. Similar to opiates, but slightly different somehow. I layed down on my bed and tried to enjoy the ride. I sorta felt spacey... and I felt very warm and content just laying there. It was almost pitch black in the room and ocassionally the little bit of light I could see from the window would dissapear... like my vision was blackening. It almost felt like I was about to slip into a dream, but then everything would snap back into place.
This continued for awhile and then I decided to report my findings. I feel content right now. I took the kratom about an hour ago... and everything seems fine. I am okay with life... very similiar feeling to low doses of vicodin.

Kratom (at the dose I consumed) did not blow me away like I had hoped. But it definetly cured my withdrawals. I plan on trying a higher dose to see what will happen.

[Erowid Note: Replacement of one drug for another, although it can be medically beneficial and effective, should not be considered a 'cure' for a dependence or addiction.]

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40019
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 16, 2005Views: 23,800
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Kratom (203) : Unknown Context (20), Addiction & Habituation (10), General (1)

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