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Very Mild
Citation:   Curious Joe. "Very Mild: An Experience with Phentermine (exp41896)". May 8, 2006.

30 mg oral Pharms - Phentermine (pill / tablet)
This is an account of the recreational use of Phentermine, which is supposedly similar to Amphetamines. The pills are 30mg. For this experience I am only taking 1 pill to see how my body reacts. Note: I have only had one experience with Methamphetamine and I was drunk at the time so I do not remember the feelings other than I could not go to sleep. Therefore, I have no real experience with stimulants to compare this to.

11am – Have the day off so I decided to try Phentermine which my parent uses for weight loss. Decided to eat pizza first because the drug causes a loss in appetite.

12pm – Took one dose of Phentermine 30mg orally.

1pm - Not really feeling Euphoric, just a little “speedy” as I started to clean my room.

1:30pm – Starting to feel a *very* mild sense of euphoria, a little mood uplift. Still cleaning room, it feels good when I clean.

2pm - No Change – room is cleaned.

3:30pm – Just played my guitar for an hour and a half still feeling the same, I have a feeling either this stuff is time released or that this is the “peak”. I am going to exercise now.

4:00pm – Finished exercising, it felt great. I can’t tell if lack of fatigue was due to the Phentermine or just my muscles becoming more efficient. I still don’t notice much of a difference in mood. I am now going to study to see if I can concentrate better.

11:00pm – Studying was a lot easier, my mind was able to absorb the information easier and I was able to concentrate better. Didn’t have an appetite (guess the pills work) but ate dinner anyway. I’m not tired but I need to force myself to go to bed.

All in all, it was an interesting experience. I’m sure I had increased energy throughout the day not much euphoria but it would be interesting to increase the dosage to see if it brought about euphoric effects.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41896
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 8, 2006Views: 41,528
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Pharms - Phentermine (248) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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