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Out of My Skin
Citation:   Chantelle. "Out of My Skin: An Experience with Paroxetine (exp43879)". Apr 10, 2007.

50 mg   Pharms - Paroxetine (daily)
I was prescribed Paxil after a several-month episode of depression during which I did little else but live at the computer. I hardly slept, ate, or spoke to people at all. Before starting this medicine, I felt surreal, desperate, tired, and lost. That was my baseline.

After several weeks on Paxil, the full effect of it began to take place. I had motivation and opinions. However, I also began to have very serious side effects.
One side effect of Paxil was my constant, nagging, insatiable hunger. I ate a lot of food, all the time. I had absolutely no self control when it came to food, and after stuffing myself, I would eat some more because of the irresistible mental need to do so. I gained around twenty pounds during the six months I was taking Paxil. Gaining weight like that will counteract any antidepressant qualities of a medication.

During this time, I also became very volatile and explosive. I would violently burst into a rage at very little provocation, and my emotions switched up and down within a matter of minutes. My mother and younger brother walked on eggshells while I was on this medication. I was very reactive, and as I mentioned before, I had no self control. On Paxil, I was a total kleptomaniac. I couldn't walk into a store without stealing something; it was usually something I didn't even want, but I would steal it anyway. Impulsiveness was a big part of my experience with Paxil.

Perhaps the worst side effect was the continuous bodily malaise. I felt so uncomfortable in my own body that I was always fighting the incessant urge to physically rip the skin off of my arms and legs. This medicine definitely did not improve my mental state.

I am aware that some people benefit greatly from Paxil, but it was not the right medicine for me. I hope this account gives some insight to people taking, planning to take, or related to someone taking Paxil. -Take Care-

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 43879
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2007Views: 12,471
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Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Not Applicable (38), Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Health Problems (27), Bad Trips (6)

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