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A Simple Evening
Citation:   Big Daddy. "A Simple Evening: An Experience with Galangal (exp5454)". Erowid.org. Mar 3, 2001. erowid.org/exp/5454

1 oz oral Galangal (ground / crushed)
I made a quick preperation of galangal. I powderized 1 oz of dried root in a spice grinder. I then mixed 20 mL or 2 capfuls of everclear into a 12 ozish glass of warm water. The dried galangal was all added and stirred for about ten minutes. It was then strained through cheesecloth to remove the solids, and was then saved. This made it more drinkable, and was to try to avoid the runs, like others reported experiencing. I thought it might be all the cellulose. Sugar was added to make it more drinkable. I then drank the glass within 5 minutes. Beware, galangal has a spicy tingly late kick when drunk.

I drank this concotion in my room with my two of my roommates home on a weekend evening. The mood of the house was good. About 20 minutes after drinking I began to feel some light effects. The sensation was like that of marijuana, but I also felt like I wanted to sink into the couch. It was very smooth and sublte. I noticed no hallucinagenic effects. About 3 hours later it had worn off, and I felt normal, no after effects. I will definately try it again, perhaps with a longer preperation time.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5454
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2001Views: 25,678
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Galangal (24) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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