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Another Notch on the 'I Love DXM' Board
Citation:   cyberfr0g. "Another Notch on the 'I Love DXM' Board: An Experience with DXM (exp5799)". Feb 4, 2002.

500 mg oral DXM (capsule)
[this has been unedited for a reason .. don't get offended or anything from things that might be misspelled. corrections/additions will be in []'s ]

Dosed 2 250mg (precisly mesured with scales) capsules for a total of 500mg of pure dextromethorphan hydrobromide.

Feeling a nice warmth through my body. Seems to be starting a bit sooner then usual. Feel a slight pressure in my shoulders and arms. Slight pressure in the back of my brain in both hemispheres, similar to LSD. I feel a sort of aura around my back and shoulders, tingly. No motor, auditory or visually enhancements yet. Slight tremor in my joints when I breath in and out deeply almost a shiver but i'm not cold. Mild naseua, expected for this dosage and most dosages with dxm.

11:00 +1
Starting to come on a little stronger now. Nasuea still present slightly intensified (expected). Body getting alot warmer and tingly. Tactile contact feels good. Deep breaths a plesant shiver through my body, similar to the ones you get everyonce in awhile outside on a cold day but much more plesant. Video games are more enjoyable, still no visuals however. Pressure in the back of the brain has slightly diminished in location density. Seems to have traveled farther foward in my brain but is still present in the back.

Feeling pretty good now. Still no motor control or sensory enhancements. Good mindset, I feel very happy and content with my life. Nausea is still slightly increasing (expected). Pressure is still there which seems to have stayed in the same locations just increased in strength.

Much more intense effect now. Music sounds very good. I am currently listening to Aphex twin - I Care Because You Do. I find that experimental/ambient are wonderful for dxm trips. Nausea is staying the same amount as before.

12:00am +2
Not much new to report except a slight downward pressure on my entire body beginning to gradually increase. All previous effects still present.

*self notes. Has been 2 hours and it seems to be much less intense then my previous 500mg dosage, lets see how things go.

Starting to feel the full dxm effects. Slight loss in motor control (legs not doing wut i tell them). Slight loss in balance ability. Focusing eyes on objects 10-15 feet away difficult.

1:00 +3
Greatly involved in my trip, very dissasociated. Loss of motor control, slight CEV's similar to TV 'snow'. Very good 'mindfuck'. Tactile contact enhanced, i enjoy rubbing my hand together and scratching my scalp

*note to self ... dark crystal is a very good movie

tripping really good now, music sounds very clean and precise. good dissassociation good mind opening, difficulty typing (expected) sweaty palms, having a good time chatting on irc. slight loss of balance, extremidites tingly, sweaty armpits. CEVS remenante of previous nintendo game play (grid and scrolling graphics)

had an interestnig trip with jim morrison till he reached the scratched portion ... it seems i have alot of good scratched dicks [supposed to be discs].

*note to self buy new copy of jim morrison - an american prayer and get a new copy of goldie - timeless cd 1

4:00 +6
peak intensity starting to wear off, still slighytl dissassociated but comming back to earth. i still have slight problems walking, rubbing my head and face in my pillow feels wonderful. music still feels and sounds great .. starting to think about things, life etc.. having good visuals, i have been sitting in the dark for the past hour or so listening to music ... the best i can describe the visuals as is a haze of snow in my vision. not really like real snow but like tv snow .. alternating miniscule dots of black and white the majority black

*note to self get your fucking [sorry for the language, shows my mood] drivers license

i decided to go watch some tv, still tripping as hard as previously. lethargic walking has turned into a scurry from place to place (aka regaining motor control of extremities). visuals still present

5:00am +7
time to goto bed, i'm still tripping but diminished enough for me to fall into REM sleep. i expect lucid, and very visual dreams.

3:00pm morning after
seems to have been a very successful trip. i didn't start feeling full effects until almost +3 which is very odd. overall trip intensity was not as great as similar previous doses. this is possibly do to a tolerance buildup from previous trips of the same dosage. i will investigate this further. all in all i am very happy about this trip. it allowed me to play with dxm in some new ways and helped me realize some things in my life that i really need to take care of. just another notch in the 'i love you dxm' board.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5799
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 4, 2002Views: 32,674
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