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Perspectives From a Brain-Frycook
Citation:   Arte-Octopus. "Perspectives From a Brain-Frycook: An Experience with LSD (exp58615)". Aug 3, 2018.

  oral LSD
This report is both an experience report and a report on how the use of LSD has changed and reshaped the workings of my thought process.

I have only dropped about 16 times(I think),usually 2 or 3 hits each time (amber gels, clear gels, various blotters, liquid). Therefore, I am not terribly experienced in acid and might be wrong or be making ignorant statements about tripping.

The following is what I have found acid to do to my thought proces while I am on it:
Once I eat it, it usually takes about an hour or so for me to start to come up. I attribute the come up with a rising feeling in my chest (kind of like when your heart jumps the moment you see someone who you've been nervously waiting for (I think you know what I mean)). I realize that I'm tripping when I feel around the inside of my mouth with my tongue and start to become very conscious about the position of inside of my mouth or my face. Basically, I think this marks the beginning of the debasement of standards in the brain. By that, I mean that I stop making subconscious assumptions regarding how the world(and myself) works. Once this debasement of standards occurs, the trip starts for me. Now I am basically a child looking at my world and life. I judge things from the perspective of an outsider
I am basically a child looking at my world and life. I judge things from the perspective of an outsider
(that is why I think many people report learning so much from acid). At this point in my trip, there is usually a pattern that starts to show up on everything and continue throughout that trip (the pattern is different every trip). I think that this pattern is a physical manifestation of the patterns of life that I notice while I am tripping. That is to say that every trip (for me at least) has recurring inexplicable themes that only I can understand (If you've tripped a few times, you might know what I mean, but then again it could be me). After usually about five to six hours, the change in perspective starts to subside and my consciousness begins to regain structure. The patterns are still all over everything and my brain feels somewhat drained. This 'aftertrip' for me is a period of reflection where I recall all of the recurring patterns (visual as well as pertaining to life).

This next part is about how my mind functions outside of my trip mentality:
I think the repeated use of acid has given me HPPD (I don't quite remember what it stands for but it means that I have some effects of acid while I'm not tripping). Basically, I see patterns all over lots of things during the day and can see a spirit that stays with me most of the time (the spirit isn't evil, but I'm not sure if it's good either) (I hope I didn't lose credibility with this statement, but it's the truth. There's an orb kind of spirit and we communicate usually at night). Also I have that thing where some things look huge and some things look small (Like I see buildings but they seem like I could crush them with my foot).

Acid has also made me more empathetic and given me the ability to listen to people without any pre-formed notions of what they are trying to say.
Acid has also made me more empathetic and given me the ability to listen to people without any pre-formed notions of what they are trying to say.
Before I became an acid user, I had a firm grip on good and evil and what was right and wrong (I thought I did). I did not realize the immensity of each and every (fully mentally functioning) human being's thought process. I felt like I was the only person who thinks all of the time and that all of my trains of logic were correct. The debasement of standards that acid gives me caused me to realize that there is a completely different reality in every human being's head. While I kind of knew this before I tripped, I realized what the implications of the idea were through acid. Behind every person's beliefs (even if the viewpoint is opposite of yours) there is a perfectly cogent and logical series of supporting facts, no one holds a belief to be true without knowing in his/her mind that it is true. I realized that I cannot change someone's mind by arguing. This also made me realize that many of the notions that I have in my head may be wrong or may be ill-based because of my biased perspective.

There are also a lot of huge metaphysical/astrophysical theories that I have derived and thought out through acid that I am afraid to put on the internet because of idea-theft.

I do not think I am done using acid and feel like I have only begun to unravel the mysteries of the drug itself and life itself. I will stop using it when I find that the time is right to stop.

I know that the effects of a drug are different for everyone due to the unique brain chemistry of every individual. However, I hope that I have provided you with some insight as to what acid does.

Best Wishes,
Arte the Land Octopus

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58615
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 3, 2018Views: 928
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LSD (2) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Entities / Beings (37), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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