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Elephants and People Curtains
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Citation:   GoSeeTom. "Elephants and People Curtains: An Experience with Zolpidem (Ambien) (exp61646)". Aug 13, 2021.

20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
I have been a good friend of drugs for a while now and pills were one of my favorite because you could just pop one anywhere and let the good times roll by. My 'bi-polar' step-brother who had a buffet of pills would hand some new ones out to me every once in a while when it was a boring weekday or there was no bud in town, and it seemed like every week a new pill would land on his desk from the pharmacy. I had tried zyprexa, seroquel, generic xanax, and all other kinds of bipolar, sleep disorder, and antidepressants that he had given to me. One day he introduced me to this new 'amazing' pill he had just got... Ambien.

So one random school night I decide to take two 10 milligram tablets of this pill he said was amazing. He had mentioned something about hallucinating off this but he said the same thing about seroquel too and it just made me more zombied than anything else. Anyways I popped two played some counter-strike in his room to make the time go by a little faster. Let me mention this is the first out of three times I tried the damn thing.

-10:20pm- I take the pills and played some counter-strike on the xbox to speed up time.
-10:50pm- I started to notice and light headed buzz start to kick in, kind of expecting this to just make me zombie like all his other assortment of pills do.
-11:05pm- Counter-Strike became a little harder, I remember my memory kept slipping and I kept forgetting what I was trying to accomplish in the game and I would forget where I was constantly.
-11:15pm- The loss of memory was getting so bad that my step-brother B kept reminding me that I would keep running into walls thinking I was somewhere else.

From then on, what I could remember, B told me that when I would respond to what he was saying I was looking at something else and wouldn't be able to get out what I was trying to say. I was looking at chairs or the curtains and speaking to them as well as I could and thinking that they were other people in the room with us. I had the feeling that there was other people with us all the time. I realized I was tripping and couldn't stand being around someone who wasn't tripping too so I remember saying I was going to go to my room and chill. When I got to my room I looked out in the vast hallway and trying to figure out what was down there when I had the sudden urge to hold on to both sides of the doorway and lean out. That's when the zoo of animals were behind me in my room all making loud noises. When I looked back again it was only elephants so I told them to be quiet and to follow me out of the house so my mom wouldn't wake up and find a damn zoo in my room. Believing that this was all real I led them out to the front doors to find out they weren't behind me anymore and that was when I realized that I was fucked up. My consciousness was escaping me and the last thing I remember was looking at myself in the mirror and shaping shit. Ambien is my shroom in pill form.

Overall this was my first trip experience and it was great. Now a little more than a year later I have recently found a love for shrooms and the occasional ex. Shrooms don't make me hallucinate (suprisingly) as much as Ambien did but I am still looking for that visual trip that I once achieved with Ambien. Maybe in college I might try something a little harder but for now shrooms are the Drug-Of-Choice.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 61646
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 13, 2021Views: 720
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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