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I Paid for My Pleasure in Withdrawal
Citation:   Joe Sixpack. "I Paid for My Pleasure in Withdrawal: An Experience with Kratom (exp64528)". Erowid.org. Feb 19, 2018. erowid.org/exp/64528

    Kratom (daily)
I used Kratom for about three weeks (various strains and extracts). After only one try with standard commercial leaf, I quickly moved on to extracts. At one point I was snorting one vendor's "96% mitragynine" powder. Mind you this all took place very quickly.

I realized things had gotten out of hand and decided to stop. I gave myself about 3 days of decent taper (retrospectively, I wish I'd tapered more), but WHAM did the withdrawals hit me. Night after night of sleeplessness, sweating buckets when I did manage to catch a wink, a strange restless feeling in my muscles, a runny nose, and generally feeling like I had one of the worst flus of my life. This brutality lasted for far too long.

From reading others' reports, it seems like some people end up without much of a Kratom w/d, but others get kicked square in the nuts, and hard. I had not done any opiates or opioids in 6 months (a vicodin stint after oral surgery), yet a 3-week kratom bender gave me a truly hellish experience. I got kicked square in the nuts. Be careful.

The depression I got during w/d was different from, yet at least as strong as, the depression that results from withdrawal from the scheduled opiates.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64528
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 19, 2018Views: 1,797
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