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Vilca Taken Buccally
Anadenanthera colubrina
Citation:   TheDreamer. "Vilca Taken Buccally: An Experience with Anadenanthera colubrina (exp65837)". Nov 5, 2007.

2.0 g buccal Anadenanthera colubrina (seeds)
I prepared a small mount of Vilca snuff using 2 grams of Anadenanthera colubrina and 0.667 grams of pickling lime (food grade calcium hydroxide). This is a 3:1 ratio of seeds to lime. These were ground finely along with the calcium hydroxide. The seed hulls were NOT removed. They are normally removed when preparing snuff. However, I was preparing Vilca snuff for use intrabuccally (in the cheeks of the mouth) instead of intranasally. I don’t like snuffing things. I find that Vilca is just as active bucally as intranasally, and I find it more pleasant this way.

To the powder, I added 2 ml of distilled water. This was mixed for about 10 minutes. Normally I would let it sit for about 1 day before use, but this time I decided to try it immediately, to see if there was any difference this way. I rolled the wet Vilca dough into a 2 inch roll, and then flattened in out. I broke it into two 1 inch pieces.

At about 10:45 pm, I place 1 piece of the Vilca dough inside my left cheek and the other in my right cheek. Once there, I pressed my cheeks in to spread the dough all over the inside of my cheeks. This was done to maximize the surface area exposed to the Vilca. No drugs other were used, except coffee in the morning.

After a few minutes, my mouth had a build up of saliva, which I allowed to drain out of my mouth into the sink. At no time was any swallowed. I found that if any was swallowing it produced lots of side effects (nausea, body tension, etc.).

At 11:00 pm, I spit out the Vilca and rinsed my mouth out completely. The effects were already noticeable. There was a slight burning sensation in my cheeks leftover from the lime. My body felt a little warmer than usual.

At 11:10 pm, there were slight visual effects. The visuals were faint. This was obviously weak Vilca. I felt good, there was a little euphoria. I watched the news while lying in bed. The walls were slightly waving. There was a tingling sensation felt around my eyes.

At 11:25 pm, it reached the peak. The visuals were a little stronger, but only some patterns were seen. There were no hallucination or closed eyed visuals. Everything looked slightly different. I could think very clearly. The pleasant tingling sensation was spreading throughout my body.

At 11:30 pm, the effect started to diminish.

By 12:30 am, the effects were pretty much gone.

This was a light dose. These seeds were pretty weak.

It seems that not letting the Vilca sit overnight produces slightly more side effects. I did notice feeling a little warmer in the body. There was very slight nausea felt at about 11:10 pm lasting about 5 minutes. I normally don’t feel nausea if I let the Vilca sit overnight. Also, the burning from the lime was stronger.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65837
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2007Views: 12,137
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Anadenanthera colubrina (139) : General (1), Alone (16)

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