My First Over-the-Counter High
Citation:   Splickey Tibberish. "My First Over-the-Counter High: An Experience with Lidexamfetamine (exp65999)". Oct 12, 2018.

30 mg oral Lisdexamfetamine (pill / tablet)
My little brother has ADHD, and started taking vyvanse for it. I heard that vyvanse can get you high, so I thought I'd try it. I skipped school that day and took the pills at 10 am. I chewed the pills for faster results. I soon felt barely stoned. I walked around outside for about an hour, and the buzz soon wore off. At 11, I went back inside to get on the computer. It felt like I spent about an hour on it, but when I checked the clock, it was 6 pm, and I noticed a strong buzz. I looked around, and everything looked swollen. I wasn't hungry, so I got in bed and soon saw things moving around me. I soon fell asleep. I had a very disturbing dream, waking me up after 5 minutes of sleep. I noticed more movement, like the curtains swaying, and the fan slowly bouncing up and down. I turned the lights on, and the motions suddenly stopped. I got back in bed, watched the fan, and before I knew it, it was 5 am. I didn't sleep at all, so I stayed home again. I first looked at the ceiling, and I saw spiders up there. For some reason, touching my face was amazing, so I did that alot. I saw little faces around the room, staring at me, and hiding when I looked at them. The whole room had a gentle pulse, the paint seemed to melt off the walls, and I could hearing laughing and applause. It scared me, so I ran outside. The grass looked like it was bubbling, and the houses looked about my height. Up the road, I saw two neighbors talking. I thought I heard their plans of 'killing that boy, and taking his nicotine trees.' I knew it wasn't real, but I still ran back inside. Despite hearing faint whispering, and feeling buzzed for a few hours afterward, I felt normal again. Overall, I liked trying vyvanse.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65999
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 12, 2018Views: 5,041
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Lisdexamfetamine (589) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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