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Fairy on the End of the World
Desfontainia spp.
Citation:   Chepuja. "Fairy on the End of the World: An Experience with Desfontainia spp. (exp66522)". Feb 22, 2018.

  oral Desfontainia spp. (flowers)
Desfontanea for it was the first 'drug' I ever consumed. I live in Chile, where desfontanea grows naturally so when I was around 15 I went with the scouts to the Puerto Montt, in the south of Chile.

One day, wandering in the woods starving I came across this bush with pretty bell like red flowers. I had eaten flowers before and this ones looked like food so I ate a lot of them. I mean a lot, I lunched on as much flowers as I could. I don't remember how I got back to the tent. I was alone and suddenly it was dark, my friends came back form trekking and I tagged along in a night game. Then a wasn't in Kansas anymore.

I remember walking for hours through high grass seeing comets and giant stars, the moon the size of a pizza! Giant grasshoppers flew over my head. Then we were in a plain. I saw people wearing blue masks with red lips and yellow eyebrows. Then we where in the wood, I was the last one in line and then the most amazing thing happened. I saw a green fairy, it was extremely vivid and I even remember her face. She was phosphorescent green (we werent using flashlight) with butterfly wings and naked. She stood on a branch looking at me until my friends grabbed me and took me back to the tent. I fell sleep.

I dreamt of aliens taking me into their ship showing me art pieces, listening to songs and parts of movies and asking me to explain to them what they meant. Then they left me in a small square in a island. There were a newstand, a huge tree and a museum across the street. I went into the museum and saw horrible sculptures and a amazing brunette.

The next day we went to Chiloe, an island. We went into the same square, the same tree, the same museum. Awful sculptures inside it and a gorgeous guide. Later a read that the mapuches, the natives, used to smoke desfontanea to see the future.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 66522
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 22, 2018Views: 1,099
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Desfontainia spp. (644) : Various (28), Entities / Beings (37), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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