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Crystal Death
by JEC
Citation:   JEC. "Crystal Death: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp690)". Sep 11, 2000.

Stay away form the tweak is all I can say.....I had a Basiliar Anuerysm in 97 because of that shit, I'm very lucky to be alive. Had Brain Surgury in August of 99 thanks to the devil dust, so anyone who thinks they're on the top of the world or who thinks they're the center of the universe, might just wake up on the next plane or in a hospital bed.

It not only hardens your veins but it makes them weak and very easy to crack causing stroke or burst causing rupture known as an anueurysm. And believe me you don't want one...It would be your worst f-ing nightmare. If you're interested in being a statistic keep up your little speed run, it will catch up to you, believe me.

I'm one of the lucky ones who can actually speak up and explain that speed ages your organs and metabolism so that when you're 30, in stark reality you're physically really 40. If any of you need help in dealing with speed addiction you can e-mail me at I'll send some info and pics that might scare you into stopping. All my friends stopped when they saw me in a Coma, so keep the faith and stay off the tweak.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 690
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 11, 2000Views: 49,570
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Methamphetamine (37) : Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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