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Nice, But Possible Long-Term Side Effects
Citation:   Contrabandit. "Nice, But Possible Long-Term Side Effects: An Experience with Kratom (exp69770)". Mar 21, 2018.

  oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
Kratom is nice. I’m going to be totally honest that especially at first, kratom is nice. Euphoric, analgesic, energizing, dreamy, sometimes aphrodisiac, pretty much all that it’s cracked up to be. I’m still rather fond of it and think it’s more gentle than a lot of drugs one could do, but to say that it’s not addictive as some older reports claim is ridiculous. It’s probably not as addictive as opiates, but I personally was addicted to it for a while. More psychologically than physically. I wasn’t a super-user so the withdrawal wasn’t physically unpleasant so much as depressing.

Anyway, aside from the short-term negative side effects like nausea (for this reason I didn't take anything stronger than 15x and not so much at a time), tolerance and cross-tolerance with opiates (not so fun when you actually have pain and the prescribed Vicodin doesn’t help), mild agitation (sometimes), and post-high depression, I believe that there may be long-term side-effects.

I’m just putting this out as a little warning for anyone wanting to try it. I’m not sure if anyone else has had similar experiences and (disclaimer) they may have resulted from something else entirely (not sure what, but it’s possible). Towards the end of my use of Kratom, I started feeling nauseated almost all the time. Not just from drinking kratom (which is sickening and makes me retch and fight to keep it down), but in general. I’d never had any problems before I started using kratom and I can’t think of anything else that might have lead to this out-of-the blue constant nausea. It took until about now (two years later) to not feel nauseated all the time. I believe that kratom was the cause of my mysterious (and physician-verified) stomach condition.

Furthermore, I believe that it emotionally neutered me and made it necessary for me to take Wellbutrin in order to feel happy and to feel in general. Both the nausea and absence of any emotion aside from boredom and frustration arose at roughly the same time. Again, maybe this is just a coincidence. Maybe kratom isn’t the crook, but I think that it’s something to keep in mind. If someone else has had these experiences I hope that they write them so that people might be more aware of the possible long-term effects.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 69770
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2018Views: 2,405
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