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Mother's Little Helper
Dextroamphetamine & Cigarettes
Citation:   fishcake. "Mother's Little Helper: An Experience with Dextroamphetamine & Cigarettes (exp71682)". Feb 21, 2019.

20 mg oral Amphetamines  
    repeated insufflated Amphetamines (ground / crushed)
My best friend and I, two bored housewives in our mid 20s, found ourselves without small children for the day, an unusual occurrance! I went to her house to help her paint her living room, a daunting task with vaulted ceilings and stairs. We casually steal our husbands' ADD medicine in small doses to accomplish minor housekeeping; laundry, cooking and the like, on a regular basis. But not having kids around, we decided to go for broke. WHEE!!

Around 9:00 am I arrived. We had a lot of unpleasant work ahead, so we broke out the dexedrine. We each ingested 20mg. Reluctantly we started working, got a mild zoom feeling, decided to have a smoke break. While outside, we threw around the possibility of insufflating more dexedrine. Went inside about 10:00 and started crushing the pills. It didnt look like very much, so we add some more until we have a little pile of powder, probably about 100mg total, which we divide between the two of us. It had been years since I had insufflated anything, and it was a pleasant reunion. Scalp tingling and fast talking, general speedy euphoria started almost immediately.

Started painting super fast, talking 900 miles an hour, singing to the radio and having a great time. Painted half the room- look at clock, its only been an hour!!! SWEET! We lift the smoking ban on the house, so now we're chain smoking, the paint fumes cover the smell (her husband is a nonsmoker who has never taken a drug that wasnt prescribed to him!) we feel like this is the most fun we've had in a while. Were tingly, efficient and very social. Cant stop talking, or moving...

Its about 1:00, the living room AND hallway are painted (and this is a decent sized house). We are parched and go to a fast food establishment for slushees. We each get two drinks but are not hungry at all, which as a recovering anorexic is slightly alarming, but not that bad. Go back to the house and decide to paint her kids rooms. Have an overwhelming urge to GO somewhere, so we go to get more paint. We have a great time acting like teenagers and laughing at the soccer moms (she lives in one of the 'top 50 most affluent regions' of the country so its filled with lexus driving gym rat soccer moms. We cant relate). Its only 3:00 and we've smoked a metric fuck ton of cigarettes. Still extremely speedy and tingly, and this is all very funny. We go and paint the kids rooms, each ingest 1 more pill. Her husband gets home around 6:00 and is impressed with what we've accomplished. He has no idea. Make dinner, decide to have a sleepover movie night. We still feel like we're 15 and the world is full of fun. Go and rent movies that we cant sit still through, but we talk the entire time and giggle, her husband is working on some kind of extra project for work so he still has no clue.

About 9:00 we take some more. My husband couldnt make it over there, but I'm not as dissapointed as I might have been otherwise. Her hubby goes to bed, we stay up smoking watching 'little people, big world'. Talk a LOT more and everything seems very important, and we decide to stay up all night, something we havent done in a looong time. Bored, we decide to go ass around the local 24 hr. Wal-mart with the other wierdos and cokeheads. Then we drive around for a couple hours and she shows me where she lived as a kid, went to school this and that, and we still feel like everything is important. We're actually hungry, starting to come down- about 4:30 am we go to waffle house. The interior of the awful waffle hasnt changed since the early 80's, and neither has the staff, I'm guessing. Wierdos abound, this is s very depressing place. I feel sad for all the people who work there overnight and the cracked out looking patrons. I feel very lucky that this isnt the norm for me. Suns coming up, were both drained and depressed by the waffle house. Drive back to her house, attempt to sleep.

Wake up at 6:00 feeling like I'm going to shake out of my skin. I look like a total cokehead vagrant, so I shower put on makeup. She looks equally terrible, we go out and smoke, taking one more dexedrine each because I'm not sure we could function that day without it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 71682
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 21, 2019Views: 1,821
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Amphetamines (6) : Glowing Experiences (4), Performance Enhancement (50), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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