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Introspective Worlds
Amanitas - A. muscaria & Cannabis
by knrd
Citation:   knrd. "Introspective Worlds: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria & Cannabis (exp77098)". Oct 19, 2022.

8 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
    smoked Cannabis  
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Hearing about these Fly Agaric mushrooms, I ordered some online, set up a relaxing area, put on some calm music and prepared. I was apprehensive about my physical reaction especially with nausea but thankfully this didn't occur at all; this may have been planning as I had eaten lightly beforehand, had some cannabis to keep me calm
I had eaten lightly beforehand, had some cannabis to keep me calm
and had given myself room to lie down.

1) Eating 8g is difficult, mainly because they are extremely dry and haven't got a particularly pleasant taste. I finely tore the caps and ate it in small amounts with some bread and spicy salsa, washing it down occasionally with water.

2) Afterwards I smoked some cannabis and relaxed in the dim lighting, initially I thought I could feel something but I put this down to psychosomatics.

3) After an hour and forty-five minutes they began to come on gently, it was very calming and I began to feel the music, really focusing on my hearing and how it felt, much like finely appreciating something's taste.

4) May have been the cannabis but I felt dreamy but not sleepy around two hours later, this led to it being easier to have my eyes closed whilst smoking cigarettes but still have my visual senses tingling.

5) Mild closed-eye hallucinations, familiar shapes and objects rotating and blending together, colour is vivid and important.

6) It must have been three or four hours since consumption and I had my eyes open staring at the room, as they closed I was shrouded in darkness before I then had a very intense visual image of what I had seen with my eyes open but projected onto the inside of my eyelids. This didn't last long but was powerful and I felt as though I was seeing through my eyelids into an altered reality.

7) With my eyes closed I began to feel my senses become heightened. As I listened carefully to the music I was also really tasting the slightly salted crisps I was eating and examining the colour I could see of the light coming through the skin over my eyes. I began to feel what it is about all our physiological senses that makes them essentially the same. This was extremely relaxing and comfortable
I began to feel what it is about all our physiological senses that makes them essentially the same. This was extremely relaxing and comfortable
, unlike my experiences of Psilocybin I found this thinking pattern unclouded.

8) I had fallen into a very intense lucid dream in which I was thinking very specifically about the layers and relations between how sound tastes and the combination of seeing and feeling. This felt like it had been occurring for a lifetime until suddenly I was blasted back into reality. My mind was pulled faster and faster from this very specific thought through billions of different layers, like a camera zooming out from the smallest molecule on earth to the planet floating in space to the solar system stood in the vastness of the universe. Then my eyes opened and I was suddenly extremely sober, it felt like everything had suddenly been sapped from me and I had transcended the experience.

9) I slept well, feeling at peace with myself and being able to appreciate the complexities of the world a little bit more

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77098
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 19, 2022Views: 422
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70), Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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