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Never Again...
Citation:   HazBaz. "Never Again...: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp82331)". May 2, 2010.

  repeated insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
Having heard good things about this drug from my friends, I decided to give it a go. This was mainly due to the lack of quality MDMA floating around the UK at the moment.

Went out clubbing till around 4am. Had around 7 pints. Got home. Started on the Mephedrone. Snorting.

Good first impressions. Nice euphoric feeling, chatty etc. Similar to MDMA, but nowhere near as mashed. This feeling lasted around 40 minutes after having about 1/4 g. After that, a definate feeling of chasing a high I wouldn't be able to achieve again. Felt like shit coke. Just as moreish, but nowhere near as powerful a stimulant. The MDMA effect waned long before that. Lots and lots of teeth clenching. Hard on the mouth. That seemed to be the main effect for me. Easy to sleep on. However... woke up in a pool of sweat that smelled distinctly like mephedrone. Strange...

My throat is still very swollen 4 days later... hurts alot. Really quite unpleasant. Glands are up. Mmmmm... Toxic. Sleeping patterns have been disrupted for days as well. And this is not simply due to sleeping late after the drug. Had plenty of sleep straight after, just seems to have done funny things to my sleeping pattern.

Everyone is raving about this one. I advise caution. Research chemicals are 'legal' for a reason. Guarantee that this drug will be class B in the UK or higher by mid 2010. The side effects are too unpredictable and not worth the high IMO. I will not be taking it again. Will wait for mandy to rear her brunette locks once more! :)

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82331
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 2, 2010Views: 12,621
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : Post Trip Problems (8), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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