MDMA's Little Brother
Citation:   Greendreams. "MDMA's Little Brother: An Experience with Methylone (exp82864)". Sep 19, 2017.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 1:50 20 mg insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:50 80 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:55   smoked Cannabis  
Last ate: A light meal about 3 hours before the experiment. There has been no consumption of any medicine, drug or vitamin in the past 12 hours.

Experience: I have taken MDMA several times in the past so hopefully this has given me the knowledge of what to expect and to be able to accurately compare both substances.

T-9:00 PM – Ingested 100mg of methylone orally, wrapped in a rolling paper.

T-9:05 – I decide to put on a movie while waiting for the come up, I choose a cartoon to create a light and entertaining mood.

T–9:25 – The come up has me a little jittery, (most likely the nervousness of trying a new chemical) but after a few minutes I feel relaxed as if I had taken a low dose of Xanax. The colors of the movie are starting to look brighter and fuzzy to my vision.

T–9:40 – I am feeling energetic and am having a great time talking with my friends online. I would definitely compare the empathetic properties of methylone to MDMA but with methylone being lighter and more controllable.

T-10:00 – An amphetamine speediness is coming on, it isn’t unpleasant but I have the urge to move around a lot so I smoke a little cannabis to calm my nerves. I may take a 2nd 100mg dose before the peak is over.

T-10:45 – I am not longer coming up but have reached the peak of the trip, all of the anxiety has given way to euphoric relaxation. I no longer feel the urge to be physically active and am content getting lost in the beats of music and putting on another movie.

T-10:50 – Someone had reported that a methylone re-dose is most effective within 2 hours from the initial dose so I decide to measure out another 100mg. I insufflate about 20mg to get a taste of the chemical (it wasn’t unpleasant and didn’t have the burning that MDMA does) and parachute the rest.

T-11:00 – The methylone is starting to come up again, the 2nd dose feels more “speedy”
the 2nd dose feels more “speedy”
this time which may be due to the insufflation.

T-11:15 – I am now peaking and feel that the 2nd dose is just as euphoric, if not a little more so, then the first dose. The urge to move around was getting to me so I dance to music and take a few hits of marijuana which helped to even the experience out.

T- 11:55 – I feel the peak ending, jaw clenching is starting but is not as intense as MDMA. I smoke a little more marijuana which helps to relax my body and mind.

T- 12:25 AM - The euphoria is giving away to the calm relaxed feeling but with a little bit of an edge.

T- 1:16 – I am experiencing increased focus on any task at hand, similar to Ritalin or Adderall. While coming down I have experienced no cravings, the only desire for more was during the peak.

T – 1:55 – The jaw clenching has eased up and I have been drinking lots of water throughout the night due to dry mouth. I decide to lie down and listen to music since I’m getting a little tired but not enough to sleep. While listening to music there are passing waves of euphoria and I sleep off and on for a few hours until finally falling to sleep around 5 or 6 AM.

It has now been over 12 hours since I have woken up from the night before and I feel refreshed, if not a little sleepy, but there is no feeling of a hangover. Methylone, when compared to MDMA, is shorter lived and has a lighter peak but also a lighter body and mental load.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82864
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Sep 19, 2017Views: 1,391
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Methylone (255) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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