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Functioning Happy User
Hydrocodone (with Acetaminophen)
Citation:   mommyofthree. "Functioning Happy User: An Experience with Hydrocodone (with Acetaminophen) (exp83628)". Nov 15, 2015.

40 mg oral Hydrocodone (daily)
  1300 mg oral Acetaminophen (daily)
      Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
      Pharms - Alprazolam (daily)
      Pharms - Phentermine (daily)
      Alcohol - Beer/Wine (daily)
I am a happy mommy/wife of three beautiful kids. I am also a functioning addict, mainly of hydrocodone/norco but I do very frequently take my pills together with others i.e. cocktail. I know this probably doesn't sound like the norm coming from a stay-at-home mom of three, but I have several friends who pill-pop throughout the makes our days more interesting and fun with the kids.

I wake up in the a.m. and first thing I do is take a Norco (10/325), I have been doing this for two years. I take it with a wellbutrin and that gets my morning started. I take a xanax around 9am and feel great when I'm running errands or playing with the kids. Around 11:45 or so I take a Norco and Adipex combo and put the kids down for a nap. Adipex is a stimulant and the two together give me a really nice buzz. I clean the house, get caught up on the phone, and do other housework while the kids are sleeping. I take a Norco around 4ish usually go to the gym and then come home and make dinner and have another Norco with a glass of wine.

I haven't been 'off' pills for two years and honestly don't know my true personality anymore since I am so used to being on something. Prior to having kids, I did party quite a bit with coke and haven't done that since. I feel justified with my lifestyle right now because 1) I have three kids and it's challenging at times, and 2) they are prescribed legally to me by my doctor so I don't feel like I am doing anything wrong.

I know I need to quit taking all these pills at some point but I feel that right now, it does bring 'spice' to my life and I don't feel bad doing it. Once I feel it is affecting my life negatively, I will stop or taper off. My husband knows I take them, but he doesn't know the frequency of them. He feels the same long as it isn't affecting my life negatively and I'm a good wife/mom, it's ok for the time being. Norco/hydrocodone is a very subtle high and as long as I'm in control somewhat taking it, I don't see a big problem with it.

[Reported Dose: '10/325s 5-6/day']

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83628
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Nov 15, 2015Views: 3,828
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Hydrocodone (111) : Combinations (3), Families (41), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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