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A Pleasant Surprise
Tramadol & Hydrocodone
Citation:   iheartpainpillz. "A Pleasant Surprise: An Experience with Tramadol & Hydrocodone (exp83920)". Mar 25, 2021.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:00 5 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
I use hydrocodone on a daily basis as a means to relieve pain from migraines. At first it was nice having a monthly supply of narcotics at my fingertips that I could also use recreationally. Over the past few months I have come to realize that now I am addicted. I don't want to let my doctors know, so I make do with thirty a month they prescribe me and don't pressure them for any more.

Towards the end of the month my supply dwindles and my life becomes hell. I become extremely cranky and can't seem to function on a normal level. Recently I came across some tramadol in one of my family members cabinets that were not getting used. At the time I had only one of my hydrocodone pills so I decided I would try and save that, and give the tramadol a go. When I got home I did some research, there seemed to be a lot of mixed results out there, some people really like tramadol and some don't. I took 50mg of tramadol at first, and wasn't pleased with what I felt. I guess I am used to the opiates and love that cotton ball feeling. With the tramadol, I had a little bit of a relaxed feeling, but no euphoria to go along with it. In some sense I also felt a little bit disoriented and unable to complete normal tasks. So two hours later I decided that there wouldn't be any harm in mixing the tramadol with a hydrocodone. A few minutes later I was in heaven. It was like the hydrocodone was intensified by the tramadol. Everything the hydrocodone made me feel was just about doubled. I had an extreme amount of euphoria, I was pretty relaxed, although the tendancy to want to get up and do something was also intensified by the tramadol. I think that in the future this will be a great way to stretch out the hydrocodone tablets. I take one tramadol and when that begins to peak (usually two hours in) I follow up with 1/2-1 hydrocodone tablet. Definitely a pleaseant surprise!!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83920
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 25, 2021Views: 1,021
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Hydrocodone (111), Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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