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Unexpected Effects
Cannabis & Melatonin
Citation:   Delirious. "Unexpected Effects: An Experience with Cannabis & Melatonin (exp87546)". Nov 17, 2020.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral Melatonin
  T+ 0:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis
T+0:00 - I'd just received an 1/8 oz. of extremely potent pot from my dealer, and, as soon as I was home alone, I decided to go to sleep. I popped 10 mg of Melatonin like I always do to assist my sleep, but I was restless. Confused as to why I couldn't sleep, I decided to go upstairs and smoke a bowl.

T+0:30 - I took my time smoking, finishing a large bowl in eight or so hits.

T+0:40 - 'IT'S TIME TO LISTEN TO SOME RAGING TUNES!' I raced downstairs and popped on my bose headphones, plugging into some sweet Mars Volta, Deloused in the Comatorium, man. But this didn't hold my attention for long. I looked up at the wall behind my computer, and a huge spider, with 8 inch legs slipped behind my desk. This was horrifying in itself, so I jumped away and ran into my room.

T+0:45 - 'Calm down... Just calm the hell down.' I knew that those kinds of spiders were definitely not in my house, so I took at face value: a vivid hallucination. Then a door slammed upstairs, and I could hear my father outside my room, saying, 'J, come out here, I want to talk to you.' I went outside, and no one was there.

T+0:50 - As soon as I saw hundreds of blue and red spiders spinning webs and coming down from the ceiling, I decided to hit the hay. Alone in the dark, I was pestered by auditory hallucinations for quite some time before I could pass out.

Summary - I've replicated this experience, and I find that higher doses of melatonin with the pot produce stronger hallucinations. I invoked a delirious experience just before passing on to sleep.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87546
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 17, 2020Views: 1,009
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Cannabis (1), Melatonin (94) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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