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Perfect World
Citation:   knapping. "Perfect World: An Experience with Dreaming (exp88385)". Erowid.org. Jun 17, 2020. erowid.org/exp/88385

At this point in my life I have had a few lucid dreams and most have been very shallow, but this dream was different.

Lucid dreaming is such a great outlet for me, I feel free in my dreams. I have been very good at recognizing when I am in a dream, I usually look at a digital clock in my dream, glance away, and see if the time is different. Obviously if it is different I am in a dream. I have tried many techniques other people have suggested, but this seems to be the one that works best for me.

On to the dream, it was very short, but one of the most powerful experiences I have ever experienced. I was walking around in the suburbs near my girlfriend's house and noticed something was different. Things looked vivid and deep, for lack of better words, I can’t describe it. Whenever I notice something is “different” I test things to see if it is a dream, this time I bent over to smell the grass. I took a big whiff and I couldn’t smell anything, at this time I knew I was in a dream. It is very exciting when I figure it out, I feel like all the stress in dreams leave, and I feel invincible.

I stand up quickly and begin to explore the world that I am in. I am alone in my dream but quickly realize that I am in a magical place. I can’t even describe how great I felt, everything was so gorgeous. I looked down the street and the houses went on into infinity. The houses were the brightest colors I could imagine, they didn’t even seem like colors I have seen, I don’t know how else to describe it. Like they where outside of the normal three color spectrum that we see the world in. They were so uniform and strait and I don’t know why but they were so beautiful. As I looked down the street I felt perfect, pure ecstasy.

I ran across the street in bliss and watched two huge dogs run strait at me, but I wasn’t scared because I knew that I was dreaming and they couldn’t hurt me. After they passed I ran again and then woke up because I was so excited and happy. That is the hard part about lucid dreaming, trying to stay asleep when it is so exciting.
That is the hard part about lucid dreaming, trying to stay asleep when it is so exciting.

Lucid dreaming is such a magical experience. I wish that I could describe it better but there aren’t any words, just a magical, maybe religious experience. This one dream lasted only a few minutes (dream time), but has had such a lasting impact on me.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 88385
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 17, 2020Views: 571
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