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The Effects Began to Fade After 40 Minutes
Leonotis leonurus (extract)
Citation:   daggaluvr. "The Effects Began to Fade After 40 Minutes: An Experience with Leonotis leonurus (extract) (exp92624)". May 30, 2019.

0.5 g smoked Leonotis leonurus (extract - 5x)
5X Enhanced Flowers Are Great

A while ago, I heard about wild dagga and bought some of the leaves. They were incredibly harsh when smoked and had next to no effect. Next I tried the flowers, and they were a little smoother on the lungs and I think I felt *something* but it was very mild. Finally, I decided that I would need an extract to feel anything strong. A quick search on a reliable auction site came up with wild dagga 5x enhanced flower petals, so I decided to buy a gram.

When they came, they were brown pieces of flower that appeared to be soaked in resin
they were brown pieces of flower that appeared to be soaked in resin
, and the smell was actually much more pleasant than the dagga I've seen before. I loaded up 0.5 grams of it in a bowl and toked away. I was quite impressed with the taste- it wasn't overly harsh like the leaves at all. Smoked the entire bowl myself and came in the house to settle in and enjoy.

I laid on the couch in front of the TV and after maybe 2 minutes, I realized that I was quite stoned. Not at all unlike smoking a 1/4 gram of pot by oneself- definitely many times stronger than my previous experiences. I felt very relaxed and mellow, with a pot-like body-high and slightly brighter colors. Music sounded much better and I felt as if I could connect with the music.

The effects began to fade after 40 minutes, and I was pretty much at baseline after 1 hour, and there was no hangover. I smoked another 0.5 grams and had the same effect. Since then, I've purchased several more grams and have been smoking it a few times a week- and I haven't noticed any tolerance developing.

I got a pretty good buzz from it, and I can definitely see how these enhanced flower petals could make a viable marijuana substitute.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92624
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2019Views: 1,278
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Leonotis leonurus (119) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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