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Even the Sight of My Ex Didn't Bother Me
Citation:   chrislotus. "Even the Sight of My Ex Didn't Bother Me: An Experience with Kratom (exp97614)". Feb 25, 2018.

2.7 g oral Kratom (extract)
Pretty good experience

I had recently ordered 12 grams of 15x extract of kratom, and I was saving most of it for a concert I was going to later on but decided to try a good dose just to see how good it was. I had taken kratom in the past but in a much smaller dose. So at about six in the morning I decided to take 2.7 grams of kratom extract. I dumped the powder directly into my mouth and took a big gulp of water.

The taste is NOT as bad as people make it out to be. I hadnt eaten anything that morning to try and get the full effect of kratom. At about 10 to 15 minutes after injestion I started to get really bad nausea, not feeling any effects quite yet though. I start feeling like I'm going to puke, but I try and breath through it.

After 30 minutes of injestion the nausea is still there but I no longer feel like I'm going to puke any second. I leave my house to go to school and I beginning to feel the effects come on. The first effects were a rush of energy and euphoria. As I'm riding my bike listening to my ipod I have a huge smile on my face, feeling really, really good. I look up and the moon is still out and theres the sun rising with and an orangish sky with white fluffy clouds. I loved the sight of this and it made me feel like everything is all right.

After about an hour and a half after injestion, I'm in class and begin to notice the more sedative, opiate like feel to kratom. My body feels all nice and warm, but also heavy and I start feeling quite sleepy and tired. The nausea has subsided for the most part but I hadnt eaten anything all morning so I ate a couple bannas without it affecting my stomach at all. After about 2 hours the effects are coming on nice and strong but I notice I have a slight headache, and that headach progressed through the day getting stronger and stronger.

After 3-4 hours after initial ingestion I'm still feeling really good and sedated like I had just taken a valium are something along those lines. I had a nice calm content feeling and even the sight of my ex didnt bother me in the least. After about another hour the effects are so-so strong and I feel like I'm coming down a bit. The headache is still very much there. I felt like I had a nice buzz going on for the rest of the day, but had a terrible headache, but it went away after I ate something. It was a pretty good day, and I aced the test I was nervous for the day before. People say kratom is addictive but I feel no crave to do it what so ever, all though I do enjoy it and plan to do it again at the concert. Overall kratoms awsome, give it a try! You wont regret it.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97614
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Feb 25, 2018Views: 1,298
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