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2.5 Grams Over 4 Nights
Citation:   100 Acre Wood. "2.5 Grams Over 4 Nights: An Experience with Diphenidine (exp99844)". Jan 29, 2015.

  repeated insufflated Diphenidine (powder / crystals)
I received a free sample off a friend who had obtained 30 grams of this material. There was very little on the net and the material is described as an NMDA antagonist in the 1 patent it's mentioned in so I was VERY careful.

I first used an old-fashioned cut-throat razor to chop the material as fine as I could (it had some small clumps in it) and proceeded to titrate by snorting 10mg every 10 minute and was surprised when the first 'alert' was at 20mg. This consisted of the NMDA-type of stimulation MXE & 3-MeO PCP users get at low doses. As the dose increases, these effects got more prominent in a linear manner (YMMV a person may want to titrate). After 80mg I stopped and just enjoyed the buzz (It was lust like low-dose MXE or K).

The second night I snorted a full 80mg at once. the onset is rather fast and once again, the pleasant 'stoned' feeling was present and more prominent. There were definitely stimulant aspects but they weren't as prominent as MXE.

The 3rd night I decided to go further and ventured to take 120mg all in one go. I felt distinctly wobbly and music felt great. I'm no dancer but I put Voodoo Ray on repeat and danced around my room for close to 3 hours.

Night 4 I decided I would try for a K-hole. The onset gave all the indications of that was where I was heading but although my mood was lifted for a good two weeks, the details of the experience are almost a total blank. I recall laughing for no reason until I had hypoxia but the secrets of the universe and the chance for meta-programming were just not there.

As a party drug where people don't with to K-hole it offers an alternative to my (now illegal) staples but I intend to spend a night at Fabric in London where I think this drug will do most good.

I've read about people swallowing & plugging this stuff but the onset, duration besides the nausea it causes in some (my GF swallowed 40mg & puked 3 hours straight) make me recommend snorting. Just make sure you chop it REALLY fine. It's nowhere near as bad as snorting 2CB, MDMA and many others I have tried.

It's a new compound and I'm just one guy. Proceed with caution and don't expect a material for K-holing. This is best used in company to enhance (safe) physical activity.

My last point is that myself & mt GF made love on this material and it was bizarre but fantastic. I can recommend the brave & the horny trying this.

As it is - we have a plentiful supply and we intend to use the majority for erotic purposes.

Be safe.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99844
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: Jan 29, 2015Views: 9,779
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Diphenidine (630) : Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Various (28)

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