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Marcia Moore
Photographer Unknown, circa 1968-1978
Marcia Moore
Photographer Unknown, 1956
Erowid Character Vaults
Marcia Moore
Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Marcia Sheldon Moore was the daughter of Robert L. Moore, who founded the Sheraton Hotel chain. Over the course of her life she married four times. With her first husband and their three children, she spent time India studying Hinduism. With her third husband, Mark Douglas, she co-authored several New Age books. Along with lecturing to promote her books, Moore worked as a yoga teacher and astrological counselor. She eventually developed her own approach to reincarnation therapy, which she called "hypersentience". She promoted this therapy through the Ananta Foundation in Ojai, California, and via the quarterly Hypersentience Bulletin that she began publishing in 1975.

Moore's initial ketamine experience took place in April of 1976. About a year later, she met the man who became her fourth husband, an anesthesiologist named Howard "Sunny" Alltounian. Together they wrote the book Journeys into the Bright World, which chronicled their experimentations with ketamine. Moore coined the term "samadhi therapy" for the new blissful drug-induced self-exploration that she and Alltounian began working with and providing to others. Less than three years after her first ketamine experience--and following her increasing and problematic use of the drug, which she ended up hiding from Alltounian--Moore passed away in what was likely the first known behavioral fatality associated with ketamine. However, there are some conflicting accounts related to her disappearance and death; Alltounian and at least one of her children have stated that they believe Moore committed suicide.

Author of (Books)
  • Journeys into the Bright World [with Howard Alltounian] (1978)
  • Astrology, the Divine Science [with Mark Douglas] (1978)
  • Hypersentience: Exploring Your Past Lifetime As a Guide to Your Character and Destiny (1976)
  • Planets in Aspect: Understanding Your Inner Dynamics [with Robert Pelletier] (1974)
  • Astrology in Action: An Astroanalysis of Jacqueline Onassis [with Mark Douglas] (1970)
  • La Astrología en la Actualidad (1969)
  • Reincarnation, Key to Immortality [with Mark Douglas] (1968)
  • Yoga, Science of the Self [with Mark Douglas] (1967 / 1979)
  • Diet Sex and Yoga [with Mark Douglas] (1966 / 1970)
  • Astrology Today: A Socio-Psychological Survey (1960)
  • Books Containing Info About
  • Ketamine: Dreams and Realities by Karl Jansen (2001)
  • A Rage to Kill, and Other True Cases by Ann Rule (2001)
    • Note: Within a chapter of this "true crime" book titled "The Lost Lady", which presents the story surrounding Marcia Moore's disappearance and death, Howard "Sunny" Alltounian is first referred to by the name Steve Monti, and later by the name Walter "Happy" Boccaci, which author Ann Rule says Monti had chosen as his new name. The story is again repeated in the 2003 collection Without Pity: Ann Rule's Most Dangerous Killers.
  • Sisters of the Extreme: Women Writing on the Drug Experience by Cynthia Palmer and Michael Horowitz (1982 / 2000)
  • Yoga, Youth, and Reincarnation by Jess Stearn (1965 / 1997)