Good Combination
Kratom, Cloves, Blue Lotus & Cannabis
Citation:   Summetz. "Good Combination: An Experience with Kratom, Cloves, Blue Lotus & Cannabis (exp115684)". Apr 11, 2023.

T+ 0:00
5 g oral Kratom (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 18 g oral Cloves (dried)
  T+ 1:30 Some joints/cigs smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (flowers)
  T+ 1:30 Some joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I decided to try ingesting cloves and test if they actually were psychoactive. Later I continued with some more substances that would not be very effective on their own. Setting and user info: My friend’s cottage in the woods and its surroundings, in the late afternoon. There were about 10 other people in the cottage and around it, 3 of which knew about the experiment. I have had previous experiences with cannabis, bromazepam, alcohol, nicotine, kratom and blue lotus before this experience. At the time this happened I was tired after drinking the night before, but otherwise in good physical and mental condition.

T + 0:00 – I ingest 5 grams of Green Maeng Da kratom (though I am not a regular opioid user, this is a light dose for me). The consumption method is Toss and Wash. I also leave my friends outside the cottage and get up into the dark attic.

T + 0:30 – The kratom starts to kick in, so I start chewing the cloves. My mouth burns, but the pain is reduced by the kratom. I also have 2 litres of water to wash the cloves down. Still, it takes me about 10 minutes to eat all the 18 grams.

T + 0:40 – As I am finishing the cloves, I start feeling like I am not here alone. The silhouettes of the belongings of my friends are starting to look like humans laying all around me. But every time I look at them directly, I am able to tell what they are. It is just my peripheral vision that is deceived.

T + 0:55-1:20 – After listening to Acid Bath (my favourite music when intoxicated) I decide to go out of the attic. On the way I find a door I have never went through and decide that now the time is right. I walk around the room that looks like a storage of useless things, feeling like an explorer. I notice a slight body lightness, as if I was sliding through the air rather than walking. Also, the visuals are more noticeable – with my peripheral sight I now see my friends standing and sitting among the old things, but every time I look directly I realize it is just another piece of furniture.
I notice a slight body lightness, as if I was sliding through the air rather than walking. Also, the visuals are more noticeable – with my peripheral sight I now see my friends standing and sitting among the old things, but every time I look directly I realize it is just another piece of furniture.

T + 1:30 – I move down and join my friends. We decide to roll some blue lotus joints with a bit of cannabis. Mine is like 0.2 grams cannabis and 0.5 grams of blue lotus. My weed tolerance is very low, so this would be normally enough to get me a bit high. That means it enhances my experience even further now.

T + 1:40 – The joints have been smoked – the lotus has great smoke and taste, but it is quite hard to get on fire. It was also hard to roll a joint from it. The effects start to kick in and we go on a walk outside. I feel much calmer now but also slightly euphoric. The walk looks and feels like I am in a dream, but now that I am with my friends the visuals have almost disappeared.

T + 1:50 – We return inside. I find my friend’s phone and for the first time the visuals are noticeable even when I look directly at it. I see into the phone, there is a room inside with a man in it standing next to a bed. There is also a plant and pictures on the walls. Everything is dark. From another angle the man is still there, but now he is standing in a basement, next to something that looks like a cocoon. While I see this I also realize I am just looking at the fingerprints on the screen and it is my imagination connecting them into the visions. I go away as soon as the visuals stop.

T + 2:00 – Apparently that was the peak, nothing too interesting happens for the rest of the evening. Overall, I think this experience was worth it. I also tried cloves afterwards and it wasn’t too interesting. This combination is worth trying. Just remember to bring something to wash the cloves down with as consuming them is quite uncomfortable.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115684
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 11, 2023Views: 974
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Cloves (412), Kratom (203) : Large Group (10+) (19), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), General (1)

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