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Warning! PAIN!
Anadenanthera colubrina
Citation:   daydreamer. "Warning! PAIN!: An Experience with Anadenanthera colubrina (exp51278)". Mar 10, 2006.

1 line insufflated Anadenanthera colubrina (ground / crushed)
The following is an account of the first time I attempted to use Anadenanthera colubrina. I am writing this the day after. I am a British man, 29 years old, I live in England and have previous experience with other hallucinogens (LSD and Mushrooms) but not DMT.

I had been keeping the Anadenanthera colubrina seeds for about a month. I bought them from an online store. I was waiting for a suitable time to do them, i.e good mood, no disturbances etc. Yesterday I was feeling in a GOOD mood as I often do and decided to try the seeds.

Ingredients: Anadenanthera colubrina + lime powder
Mood: Good, Happy

Preparation Method: I toasted four redish brown seeds in a frying pan on a fairly low heat setting so as not to burn them. I covered them with a lid. I let them toast for about 20. By the time I took them off the heat the seeds had inflated and cracked open. They had also turned much Darker in colour.

I tipped the four hot seeds into a pestle and mortar and began to crush them into a powder. When I had completed doing this, I added the lime powder and mixed them together. There was about twice the amount of seed powder as the lime powder. After I had finished mixing them I was left with a fine, grey coloured powder.

I was all alone in the flat where I live with my girlfriend. About 3 hours after preparing the seeds and lime I decided to take it by way of snuffing. I was a little concerned because there was quite a lot of powder. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to snort that much before the pain became too much for me (this was my first time but I had read about how much it was going to hurt). I think I might have added too much lime powder. I had been over generous with the lime because I've read that if you don't add enough, the effect won't be as strong. Anyway, I decided that if I only managed to finish half of the Powder it would be a mild starting dose for a first attempt at least.

Time: 8:05 p.m.
I put all of the powder onto a CD case and made FIVE large lines out of it. I turned the lights low and put some peaceful new age type music on. I was feeling excited about the whole thing. I had some tissue paper and a bucket nearby. My over all feeling was that I was about to have an enjoyable hallucinogenic trip.

Nothing could have prepared me for what followed...
Time: 8:09 pm
I used a rolled piece of paper to snort the first fat line all in one go. Deeply and hard. I knew this was going to hurt, but not like this... The intense pain was an immediate shock. -Much, much more painful than anything I've ever snorted before (and I've done my fair share of snorting other drugs). I cannot stress enough just how much it hurt. As soon as the first line went up my nose, I knew I wasn't going to be able to finish any more of the other lines of powder. One half of my face and head was in excrutiating pain. Ouch! The nostril that I had used to snort with was on Fire and fully blocked. My eyeball felt like it was being kicked from the inside by a little man with steel toed boots. About 1 minute After the initial shock of the pain. I managed to blow my nose. The pain was still in full rage. No matter how hard I blew my nose I couldn't get all of the stuff out. I was also begining to wonder if I would feel any effects or not. I didn't feel sick and I wasn't worried or scared and I didn't feel any effects other than pain.

Time: 8:15pm
I still couldn't bring myself to open my right eyelid - too much pain- and it was begining to dawn on me that I was not going to experience any effects other than the pain. I simply had not snorted enough of the stuff.

After about half an hour the intense part of the pain had died down to a more bearable Head-ache, face-ache, eyeball throbbing, nose burning -cant breath out of it- level. I was in considerable pain and discomfort until I went to bed at 11:00 pm. By the time the morning came it was only my nose that was sore.

I didn't get any effects other than pain. I'm glad, because if I had been in that much pain and been tripping.... man that could have been very bad.

I might try smoking the seeds instead.
My advise and WARNING to anybody who is going to try this is to be prepared for just how much it is going to hurt. In my opinion, for me the pain far outweighs any positive effects there might be..even if I didn't get any other effects.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 51278
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2006Views: 19,183
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Anadenanthera colubrina (139) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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